KIT Team Chiv Cheat Takes Top Prize in DakDam Innovators for Resilient Agriculture

 A team of students from Kirirom Institute of Technology (KIT) has emerged victorious in the prestigious DakDam Innovators for Resilient Agriculture program. Team Chiv Cheat, comprised of Kheng Pitou (Software Engineering), Cheng Mengly (Software Engineering), Rith Sokhavattey (Business Development, Paragon University), and Nang Sokun (Food Science and Technology, Royal Agriculture University), impressed the judges with their innovative solution for cashew farmers in Cambodia.

Revolutionizing Cashew Farming with AI

Chiv Cheat is an agri-tech company that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to empower cashew farmers. Their innovative chatbot, accessible through Telegram, utilizes Khmer language voice, text, and image recognition to diagnose cashew plant diseases. This user-friendly technology provides farmers with reliable suggestions to combat these threats, ultimately increasing crop yields and profitability.

A Journey of Growth and Support

After securing a coveted spot among the top five teams, Team Chiv Cheat received a significant boost. They were awarded USD 1,500 and the privilege of consulting with experienced professionals and seeking guidance from Impact Hub Phnom Penh, a leading innovation center. This comprehensive support system provided them with invaluable opportunities to learn from established startups, refine their business model, and network with key players in the Cambodian agricultural sector.

Beyond Competition: A Catalyst for Change

Team Chiv Cheat recognizes the profound challenges faced by Cambodian agriculture. Their participation in DakDam Innovators was not solely about winning; it was about identifying a critical need and developing a solution to empower their community. The seed funding provided by the program will not only fuel their growth but also serve as a catalyst for innovation within the Cambodian agricultural landscape.

Looking Forward: Collaboration and Expansion

Team Chiv Cheat is actively seeking collaboration with cashew experts in Cambodia. This strategic partnership will enable them to expand the reach and impact of their AI-powered chatbot, improving the lives of cashew farmers nationwide.

Their journey serves as a testament to the dedication and innovative spirit fostered at KIT.  Their experience also highlights the importance of patience and perseverance, especially within the dynamic field of agriculture. As Team Chiv Cheat embodies the motto “Think wider, you will get bigger,” their success paves the way for a brighter future for Cambodian agriculture.

Ready to Test the Future of Cashew Farming?

Head over to Chiv Cheat’s Facebook page to test out their revolutionary chatbot firsthand and experience the future of AI-powered agriculture!

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