Recommended Domestic Shipping Services in Cambodia

In this 21st century, the evolution of technology and the internet sector is more modern, advanced, and thriving in the online market. Especially during this covid pandemic, people are avoiding physical buying and selling. They tend to buy online and sell online due to its convenience and time-saving. Since some Cambodian people have the experience of losing items, or the item has arrived brokenly due to the carelessness of the driver, and more. Moreover, it takes a longer time to deliver by taxi and it is more expensive. Based on my purchasing online experience, I would recommend you to choose J&T express. 



J&T express has been well-known as a company since 2015 and was invented by the Hong Kong Company. J&T express company covers six countries in Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, and Cambodia. J&T Express is the most popular delivery service in Cambodia which provides quick delivery and does not disappoint customers. It was officially established and became an express company that pioneered free pick-up service in the first place in Cambodia. Although J&T Express has just arrived in Cambodia in  2019, the momentum of overwhelming support from the masses of Cambodian people in all provinces, cities, and all districts has become more and more popular. J&T express company provides one-time orders which means customers can make a quick order without registering. The maximum weight of items is 70 kg. Moreover, customers can send multiple items to the same receiver within the same day and the delivery operation will be made on the next day. Furthermore, J&T express provides free picking-up service. The picking up service is available for 24 hours and 7 days in a week.You can easily find out the shipping tariff and check the nearest branch office to  your location through the application and website. You are able to keep track of your packages because J&T company has included the tracking system in their app which will make it easier for their customer to track their package’ location during the delivery process. If you have any questions or claims, you can contact J&T express call center 023 918 918 and then you can take the claim form at the nearest branch office and complete all the needed requirements that will be guided by the J&T staff. For payment methods, there are various types of payment methods. You can either pay in cash or pay by using a visa card or mastercard.​ J&T also provides a home delivery service. Therefore, customers can even save their time in coming directly to pick up the package. They can just pay through a visa card and wait until the delivery staff reaches their home. There is alway a promotion during Khmer New Year, Christmas Day and other festivals. So, do not forget to use J&T delivery express to secure your package. Enjoy your online purchasement with J&T express.

You can download J&T Express delivery service from App Store and Play Store or visit And for the latest information, please visit J&T Express Cambodia Facebook page or contact: 023 918 918.

Things you should consider to Design a House

 Home provides security, control, belonging, identity, and privacy, among other things. “But most of all, it’s a place that provides us with a centering—a place from which we leave each morning and to which we return each evening.” By the way when we stay at home we definitely want to feel that home is the place that gives you comfort and yet feel like the best place we ever stayed. 

    You can think like architects when they design to give you a building that is definitely so good to stay.

Study about Micro Climate of your land zoning

   You need to study with your land existing about the Microclimate to analyze:

  • Temperature
  • Precipitation
  • Rainy max and minimum
  • Hot and humid or dry
  • Humidity
  • Terrain orientation
  • Sun direction
  • Ventilation access
  • Sound orientation
  • Study View

  This is the study in order to design a proper house.

  Ensure you have the right location

  Of course, you have to get a site before you start planning on the type of structure to put on it. But have you ever taken a closer look at the location? Have you confirmed if it’s the right place for your dream home? Inspect the site, make sure it’s flat enough and won’t cost you much.

Soil conditions are significant to the foundation of the house. If the soil condition is not favorable, you may have to spend more on grading and developing the land. This is costly and energy-consuming. So, inspect the land properly and don’t jump into purchasing because of the low price.

The direction of the house

The direction your house faces matters a lot. You must not overlook this aspect when designing. Living spaces such as bedrooms, dining rooms, or living rooms should face the right direction to ensure comfort.

Natural light has to flow freely into the room. This will help to reduce the number of light bulbs you will need to buy. Also, the natural cool breeze will enter the house and there will be no need for ventilators. Give your windows a beautiful view, not a brick wall.

The house program

This is where you decide on everything that goes into the house. Architects love to call it the program. The list of all the rooms you want in the house is what makes up the program. So, take your time to deliberate on this.

Start with the basic rooms needed first. After that, write additional rooms on a separate list, but remember that your budget still makes the final decision. Make this list according to your family size.

How many bedrooms will you need? Is there going to be a master bedroom? Will bedrooms have closets and bathrooms? Small or big living room? Open or closed kitchen?

Storage rooms, garage, workspace, and exterior places like patios, balcony, or roof deck should also be listed if needed. When you have it all listed down, drawing the floor plan will be more comfortable whether you want to do it yourself or invite an architect.

 Materials use

 Materials use is very important when you really want to build a comfortable house that you can stay in. You can just think of what house style that you want then you can define what materials you want. One more thing, thinking of shading devices to avoid 100% of light- access into your house, Vegetation that will keep cooling your house everyday. Opening window or overhead opening in order to get enough light in your building. Using solar panels to avoid using electricity that will cost your living a lot. Color painting is also a method that can reflect lighting avoiding using artificial light in day-time.

   These are some steps that you need to consider when you want to build a house. It’s really important. To live in a comfortable and luxurious house is everyone’s dream But You can make it real.

Let go of yourself from depression today

  Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. The crude mortality rate per 1000 person-years was 39.5 for the nondepressed, 71.4 for persons with minor depression, and 60.7 for those with major depression (Table 2). Persons with minor depression had a significant 1.84-fold higher risk of dying than non depressed persons (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.49-2.27).

  Why do we depress?

  Imagine when you ask someone why they look so depressed, even if they don’t say anything but we can probably feel them even if we don’t know what their problems are. Depression can be from many things such as: Family’s issue, Cost-living problems, Love and brokenness, work… There are so many things that could make you depressed. Those happen when we overthink and we don’t know how to solve all of those problems at the same time.

 Imagine if we were the people that were depressed?

 Just telling anyone how depressed you are is so hard. They somehow understand not completely. Imagine what that impactive depression means to you. The feeling when you are really depressed from the problems that you can not solve is almost the hardest thing in the world. Our head is full of sickness and messing up. The feeling is full of emptiness and sadness. Lack of physicality. Just think about these, we are almost depressed so how depressed people get depressed.

Tips that makes us can run from depression

  Depression is our feeling low, emptiness and sadness. If we are strong enough, we can leave it by the way. Here is some tips that we can use it to avoid:

  1. Take yourself a rest: resting means that you can just let your brain relax out of stressful,and sadness. This is the way that you can just avoid the problems for a short time. And when you get enough rest, you will wake up feeling better than you used to.
  1. Eating a healthy diet: Sometimes, Sickness is one of the reasons that makes you feel  no energy and cannot think of everything well. So get yourself a healthy diet to let the stomach be able to work well then you will get enough energy to solve your problems.
  1. Exercise: One of the good ideas that basically can help you out of your depression. Starting exercise like going to the gym, Running for at least 10 minutes a day can significantly lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. Runners lower their chances of dying from heart disease by half. It also lowers your resting heart rate, the number of times your heart beats per minute when you’re at rest. Running is the best way to show the world that you are ready to fight with depression and prove that you can be awakened and stronger than before.
  1. Get treatment: The widespread shortage of geriatric psychiatrists put primary care providers on the front lines of mental health for older adults, which can provide challenges for PCPs who may not be comfortable prescribing aggressive treatment for mental health problems, but PCP’s have a unique opportunity to engage with their patient’s mental health because of the high level of trust patients have in their PCP. Older adults are often reluctant to talk about depression, due to stigma, so routine screening at regular intervals is key to prevention and treatment.
  2. Stay with someone who can take care of your depression: the feeling of having someone behind is the way that will let you feel like  you are never alone as you thought. You have someone to encourage you and fight with you until you feel strong enough to face the world and clear all your problems.

These are 5 tips that will help you from depression and pressure you face nowadays. You just need to be very strong to carry your life even though sometimes it is very sad and unacceptable things that you will face. But you can be the one who is stronger than it. Come on, Don’t let your depression rule yourself as a king. You need to be a warrior to fight with it because it’s the way that you can do to live in life that you really want it to be. Thanks 

Start The morning by A cup of Coffee

  Morning is the beginning of your hard journey. Getting your hand with a cup of coffee is the best thing you can literally do. Coffee is known for its ability to promote wakefulness and increase alertness, but the beverage is also an effective exercise performance enhancer because of its caffeine content. Plus, coffee can be a much cheaper alternative to caffeine-containing supplements like pre-workout powders. 

  1. The meaning of coffee to your life

Coffee is, for most of us, a synonym for starting our day, getting the energy in order to work hard, being able to think, to dream. Life is really hard to live for a day sometimes. All you can do is try and try harder to achieve anything you think and goal for. Coffee is much more than you think. Why don’t you just get it while you can do everything the best in your day? It’s so good and smells nice. Isn’t it.?

  1. To our Health

  Drinking coffee has been linked to numerous health benefits, including a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and liver, heart, and neurological diseases. It may also benefit mental health and help you live longer.

  1. Why is it really good in the morning?

Many people cannot start their days without a cup of coffee. In the morning is the suitable time. You will start your day with it while it benefits a lot as we have talked. Fresh morning coffee would help you completely to deal with problems you face. You will get the full energy of yourself. Isn’t it really great?

   To those who don’t like drinking coffee. You are not wrong, but it’s about time that you can try anything new, especially Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. It will help you deliver your day to be awesome.

Top Pizza Company in Cambodia

The Pizza Company


The Pizza company is an international franchise restaurant which is known as the first franchise pizzeria in Cambodia. This company is recognized as one of the leading pioneers in the Asian food service industry. The Pizza Company opened their first franchise in 2005 and there are around 17 branches in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville and Battambang, and Kampong Cham.  Furthermore, If compared to other pizza companies in Cambodia, The Pizza Company is in the top rank or most preferred pizza in Cambodia among locals and foreigners alike. The Pizza company still can stand and win over its competitors by its branding, food recipes, and the services. They offer pizza lovers with many flavors of pizza and more than 20 different delicious toppings that are richer and more sumptuous. The Pizza Company always offers innovative products, freshest ingredients to ensure the great tasting pizzas and pastas with the highest quality for customers. 


Domino’s Pizza


Domino’s Pizza is a pizza restaurant chain intended to serve and deliver pizza on time.

The company was founded in 1960 by Tom Monaghan and with over 55 years in the business, and known as the world’s No.1 pizza delivery company. They started the first franchise in Cambodia with 8 branches in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. The company’s restaurants offer pizzas, snacks, drinks, and cakes providing customers with delicious food on time. The price range of Domino’s Pizza is reasonable and it is lower than The Pizza Company. But the services and product’s quality are not much different. 


About the Author

My name is Davy. I am majoring in architectural Design and am a sophomore at Kirirom Institute of Technology. I have a strong passion for designing. I also passionate create new things such as create the customize gifts. I believe that gifts that are customize are really unique because that gift is demonstrates the communication that we want to say to the one you give to.

[Rewrite]How does ArcMat interact with customers?

ArcMat values our clients and customers, we want to make sure our customers get the best from us. We want to build close relationships with them so we can work together for the long run and satisfy both parties with the outcome of our service. We are flexible when working with customers, they have the choice on how they can collaborate with us that is convenient for them. There are multiple ways on how our business can interact with customers. 

ArcMat is an online platform where customers can easily and quickly acquire building materials with a single click on our website. We also have a customer service and support team available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

ArcMat has a huge responsibility to provide the best service for our customers. First impressions and user expectations are our main intention and our main goal. To do so, our business holds a huge responsibility to make sure everything runs smoothly according to plan for customer satisfaction. Our business focuses on our product, time management, and service. 

Our vision for business is “Provide easy access for customers to architectural material around the world.” Our business is one of a kind, offering varied tastes and lifestyles to those that utilize our services. Our mission is to “Provide an online platform that delivers all architectural products from around the world to all customers using our service” Our shop is designed to be a creative and fun place. We want our clients to explore their favorite in their own design from browsing at shop sites to see all types of furniture from all indoor to outdoor. 

Since technologies are evolving and more and more people are using it like it is a part of their life. Social media plays a part in it. It is almost essential for everyone to use it. We promote and interact with our customers through social media like Instagram and especially Facebook since many of our target audience are using Facebook. 

Our business focuses on the users experiences and impressions toward our website and the usage of them. The flow of our website is very important for customers to follow. To provide a good experience for customers, we focus on simplicity and user friendly features on our website that include a list of materials and their information with it. Furthermore, customers can also interact with our team through our website or by providing us feedback on our service and products. 

We know and also are aware of other similar platforms that do similar service to us. But what makes our business different from the other is the benefit that customers gain from choosing our service. Our goal is to focus on building trust with our customers by providing them the service and product that meets their needs and expectations. Our business provides the benefit of providing our customers with products of what they see is what they get. Of course there are some similar platforms to us that sell products that don’t meet customers’ expectations and customers don’t get what they see and purchase. So this is another important point and benefit that our business provides for our customers of trust and leaving a good impression and experience from choosing our service. 

With ArcMat, customers can explore with their creativity and gain more knowledge and benefit from taking our service. Our business provides benefits to customers in many ways from the service to products and more. 

By working and choosing ArcMat’s service, customers can use the consultation function that feather in our service to discuss suggestions and ask questions for any concern or problems. Through the process of the function with consultation, customers can be inspired by different types of materials like furniture and more to be more creative with their design or with their choice of choosing the right furniture that they are satisfied with. Our customers can also benefit from our service by learning new information that they never know about from talking and discussing with our team that are willing to help them anytime.

Our business provides easy access for customers to architectural materials around the world. Since we will focus on the simplicity of our platform for our materials to make customers easily understand, we want to attract other users from the user experiences to tell or recommend our website to others as well as sharing our website on social media to others. 

We are open to feedback on everything in our service from our products to time management. ArcMat values our customers’ trust in choosing our service by providing as much as we can to make our interaction with the customers as smooth and helpful as we can. We open up any discussion about our service with our customers anytime by being responsive and responsible. 

Images link: 

[Rewrite] – The Benefits of having a Tour Guide

Everyone loves traveling, but the only problem they’re facing is that they don’t know where to start. Traveling is a very tiring experience when done wrongly, but if done correctly, you just can’t get enough of it. This is why there are tour agencies which are tour experts who can accompany you on your journey to your ideal destination and take you to the best places you could ever imagine. There are so many reasons to have a tour guide with you on your travels. Here are some reasons why you should or must have a tour guide with you:

  1. Customize or choose an existing package

Image URL: Tour Planning By having a tour guide, you can either plan out your tour or choose a tour package to travel by yourself or with your family or friends. This has already saved you a lot of time because you don’t have to do any additional research regarding the place you’re visiting, you can just sit back, relax and enjoy the trip. The process of planning out your own trip is very time consuming and it never goes as planned because you have never known the destination. The importance of the tour guide is their knowledge and experiences of the destination, therefore they know all the best spots to visit, and even take care of accommodations. Therefore, all you have to do is take it easy, and then leave the talking to them.

2. Wealth of experience and knowledge

Image URL: Tour Guide

Visiting strange and unfamiliar places is something that everyone can avoid by having a tour guide close to them. You wouldn’t have to worry about not knowing the language or the culture or even the history of the said destination. The guides got you covered, they will keep you entertained the whole trip, with proper schedules so that you can visit the most important places without getting sidetracked through a set period of time. Their wealth of knowledge and experience are so vast, that you can ask them anything about the place and they will give you the answers that you’re looking for.

3. Creating a Network

Image URL: Network

Traveling with a guide makes you feel safe, even better than traveling with your friends, and throughout the whole journey, you will earn a new friend because they are the most kind-hearted people in the world. They are open to learning new things and listening to you, and treat you with the utmost respect that you deserve as a human being. Because guides have been to a lot of places, they know and befriended a lot of people, creating a large network which you can get access to. They will refer to just the right person for whatever needs or wants you have because they are just that reliable.

In summary, having access to a tour guide professional has no downsides whatsoever, you’ll be able to enjoy your trips to the fullest, gather new knowledge and build connections with people you’ll meet on the way including the tour guide. They make us feel safe on our journey and are always happy to be accompanying us through every step of the way.

[Rewriting] Reasons Why You Need Website for Your Business

1. Digital Marketing

Have you ever heard of digital marketing? And what actually is digital marketing? Why is digital marketing more efficient? The term “Digital marketing” is also known as “Online marketing” which means advertising your business through digital or online channels like social media, email, mobile or advertising that appear on phones, computers or the device that can display advertisements. 


When it comes to digital marketing, websites are the most reliable. When you are working on digital marketing to grow your business, you will need to dive into traffic but what is it mean by traffic. Using a website, you can keep track of the strengths or weaknesses of your website using google analytics and more tools to analyze and improve your website day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year. Using google analytics about service websites will let you keep tracking and check historic traffic of your website. You can see where your customers come from, who are your potential customers, the lack of your website, why people clicked on and left without even looking at your contents. Once you find something lacking on your website you can improve it more efficiently than other platforms.

2. Announcements

Posting updates or announcements on websites will improve your customers’ experience. Unlike other platforms like social media, websites can update your customers or your client better. Websites can be accessible anytime you want so your customers can notify easily without scrolling until they see your updates or announcements on their newsfeed. It is the easiest way to keep your clients or customers up to date with your business and the future plans. It is a really great way to connect you with your customers and clients also well.


3. Improve customer experience

Doing business even though it is a small or a big business , you oftenly receive phone calls from your customers, maybe they ask where your address or service/product is available.


Persistently you or your workers might not be ready to attend and reply to all or any calls, this could leave a customer uncomfortable or unsatisfied with your service and cost you a loss of prospects. Having to answer a lot of calls can even have an effect on the productivity of the staff as a lot of your time is lost on attending calls.

Having an internet site can cut back the amount of calls received and also improve the productivity of the employees. A well-designed web site will facilitate clients to search out helpful data simply while not calling. Quick access to information can boost customer experience.

4. Credibility and Brand awareness

The main reason why you need a website for your business is the credibility of your company’s business because there are many businesses in the market that provide merchandise or services just like yours, so if you want to make your business well known, you should have a website that represents the face and brand of your company.


Get a website for your business now!

Our service provides you website design and development based on your business ideas. Using our service, you can customize your website or we can provide suggestions based on your target customers or clients.

First let’s understand two different terms, website and web application. Both website and web application can be found on your browser. Website is where you can post your content about your business or other purposes but only if you are the host of the website. Websites cannot be interactive since it is only for the host to post their content, for example a blog. On the other hand, a web application is a platform for users to interact with the application on the web. For example, Facebook is mobile but also has its own web application so that users can see you on their computer as well. Every web application has a back-end and database to store users’ information.


In our service, we have both the website and web application. However, you might think about how our service works if you want to create your own website or web application. We provide service based on your requirements. For example, if you want to create a blog like this article, we will discuss the content, features and design of your website. In the website, you can have a lot of content pages for your purpose. If you choose to create a web application which is more complex and has more functionalities, there will be long maintenance to keep track of the application. In order to meet your requirement, we will have to discuss updates with you to keep track of the functionalities you want in your website.

First, we will discuss the requirement and the example outlook of your dream website or web application. Next we will make a prototype of the website and present it to you. Notice the prototype will not be functional yet. When you think that the prototype and your idea is met, we can start designing and developing your website or web application. Every week, your web developer agency will update the progress of your website and keep track of the requirements. If you want to add on some functions or remove them, you can give your idea in the meeting or send us your message.

The cost of your website depends on your designs and requirements you gave us. We can talk it out and make a very good deal for you. But once the website is done, do we stop taking care of your website? The answer is we will keep long maintenance to update your website or website.

When you get your hands on your own website, we will also provide you a course on how to manage your website using Google Analytics so you can keep track of things that are going on your website. You will know a way to improve your website content so your audience will go through your website and you will gain more visitors.

Hang Chanthavy

A Software engineer student at Kirirom Institute of Technology. I’m interesting in game development. Looking toward to start up a game development company.

[REWRITE] What makes LOSTWORLD your ideal online shop

About Us

Our Vision

To create a sustainable marketplace that bridges the gap, bringing an endless range of international brands and products closer to our valuable customers in an emerging marketplace. Educating and enriching the local market while paving the road to a mutually beneficial business space in Cambodia.

Who We Are

LOSTWORLD signifies the amount of catalog that you could find and the unexpected beautiful place known as the LOST WORLD. We’re the newest and fastest growing online lifestyle marketplace in Cambodia. Wholly owned and managed by Cambodians, LOST WORLD is in support of expanding and improving the Cambodian digital space.

Shop thousands of brands and products across various categories ranging from Electronics, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Home &Living, Sports & Travel to Babies & Toys. We offer a 14-day returns policy, speedy deliveries within 3 business days and multiple payment methods including Cash on Delivery to simplify your online buying process.


At Lost WORLD, we want to make life easier. With a team of bubbly customer experience officers, we guarantee a wonderfully seamlesss hopping experience like none other.

Low cost is one of the key benefits of Misplaced WORLD site that keep dealers locked in in online offering. Retailers ought to spend a part of cash on physical stores. They too pay up front costs like lease, support, store plan, stock, and so forward. In spite of huge ventures in administrations, inventory, maintenance, and labor, physical stores regularly come up short to realize the specified productivity and return on venture. Running a trade with LOSTWORLD is less costly and requires less venture than a conventional trade. For small-scale and autonomous merchants that need to create cash but need the start-up capital, this can be too a incredible choice.

LOSTWORLD websites give bounty of space for showing the assortment of items, counting colors, subtle elements, sizes, and materials, all of which are challenging to do in physical stores. Online shippers can moreover share their items on social media, permitting clients to associated with them and create a more grounded relationship together with your company.

The effortlessness of gathering, analyzing, and taking activity on information is however another advantage of online item deals. You’ll assemble first-hand information from the Misplaced WORLD site by checking how clients associated with it. The data offers you proposals for upgrading client involvement and boosting sales for your e-commerce trade. You’ll identify and enhance feedback circles of any valuable bits of knowledge by following client intelligent, which is able offer assistance to improve your customers’ encounter.

My name is kettesak and i like to help people live easier with the use of the internet.

[Rewrite] The Advantages of an Online Veterinary Consultation

Having a pet is not just to raise them as a pet, but it is all about looking forward to becoming a family, spending time with them, and creating memories. Imagine having someone waiting for you at home when you are off from work, or school, or having someone to play with, and listen to every kind of problem you would like to share. Owning a pet, their health is one of the most important that every pet parents need to pay attention to.

Even though sometimes you might be able to understand what your pet needs or struggle with, sometimes you are not able to guess it right as well. You should bring them to the pet center or clinic where they can provide you with a pet service and have a consultation with an expert veterinarian. However, not all pet is comfortable going to the clinic for a checkup or getting any services. They might feel afraid just like our humans that some people do not really like going to the hospital. Plus, nowadays even though the Covid-19 virus cases are decreasing each day, everyone must still follow the protocol, keep their distance, wear a mask and stay at home if it is not needed.

Because of these problems, online vet consultation has become one of the services that every pet parents really need, and it provides many benefits. 

It is stress-free and saves time

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You do not need to drive from our home to the clinic, get into a traffic jam and have to wait in a queue for a long time. With the online consultation, you can just stay at your home or any place that is comfortable for you and your pet. Some people might get bored sitting and waiting in a room for a long time until it comes to their turn.

It saves money

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It helps you save money from traveling from your home to the clinic for the consultation. Not everyone is able to drive their own car or ride a motorcycle when bringing their pet along. They will feel of being interrupted by the pet and not able to drive or ride properly, and it will cause them to have an accident as well. So, they would choose to go to the clinic by taxi. But, if they offer to have an online consultation, they will just need to find a good place or just stay at home and wait to join the meeting link on any platform that has been set up.

It is a secure and safe consultation

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Even though it is about the pet problem, there are still some matters that you really cannot talk publicly and it needs to be in private. As in an online platform, the consultation needs to remain safe and confidential of the information and it also helps to earn the trust of the customer.

Getting an online vet consultation brings many benefits. People do not need to worry about getting stressed waiting in a queue or getting into traffic congestion while on the trip to the clinic anymore. All they need to do is get prepared themselves in a comfortable place with their pet, join the meeting platform and have a discussion with the expert. It is more convenient and easier to have an online vet consultation. Do you prefer having an online or physical vet consultation?

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This appreciation is for those who help recommend new ideas for improving the content of the article.

Author Profile

I am majoring in software engineering and am a sophomore at Kirirom Institute of Technology. I am interested in full-stack development and have a strong passion for designing and looking forward to exploring digital marketing. Aside from that, I am also a pet lover who is exploring to understand more about pets and become a better pet parent.