[REWRITE] Reasons why online shopping is the BEST way of shopping

The internet has spoilt us with many new ways of doing simple things. Watching TV for example used to be very hard with all the cables and the setting up process may take longer than expected. Now in the internet era, with just a few clicks, you’ll be ready to catch up on the latest episode of THE WALKING DEAD directly from your Laptop screen. But What’s the other thing that’s most important in life? Yess, that’s right.


Shopping has never ever been more convenient than today. Millions of people surf the internet and finds useful things where they are interested. People always bring up security and are scared to make the purchase via the internet when it is PERFECTLY normal to do so. Here are some of the reasons why switching out the old ways might be the right move:


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Convenience is the biggest perk about online shopping as expected. Is there any other shop that let you comfortably shop at midnight while in your pajamas? There’s no waiting line for you to waste your time on, simply by clicking the “ADD TO CART” and checkout. It is simple as that.

Online shopping give us the opportunity to shop 24/7, and also gets us with a ‘no pollution’ shopping experience. There’s no better place to products like e-books, which are available to you instantly, as soon as the payment goes through. Things like video games, movies, you can buy as downloadable content through the internet instantly without having to go out which helps the environment!


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The cheapest deals and the best prices are always online since it comes straight from the manufacturer themselves and not the middlemen. It’s also the matter of convenience of comparing the prices on the net and finding the cheapest possible deal. Many online sites offer discount coupons and rebates, as well.

Not only are prices better, but you can save on tax as well since online shops are only required to collect a sales tax if they have a physical location in your state. Factor in the saved expense of gas and parking, and you have saved yourself a lot of money!


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Variety is also one of the biggest perks about online shopping. Where will you ever find a shop that has everything, every design, the things that would keep you choosing to find the right one. You can find almost any brand or item you’re looking for. Plus, the stock is much more plentiful, so you’ll always be able to find your size and color. Some online shops even accept orders for out-of-stock items and ship when they come in.


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Every once in a while, you’ll likely get to the point where you want to gift someone but you just can’t find the time.. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Online gifting is a traditional way of gifting. You can easily order the best gift online and have it wrapped up, delivered to your loved ones so quickly without wasting your time. Now, there is no need to make distance an excuse for not sending a gift on occasions like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and so forth.

Gift cards are also a popular method to giveaway your resource in the safest and quickest way possible.

ABOUT អនុស្សារ- Anusar

Anusar is a Cambodia e-commerce platform that offers services and products such as gifts and memorable DIY. Anusar is founded by a group of Kirirom Institute of Technology students who value gifts and see the potential of the project into the market. 

Cr: Mao Timong

  • Anusar’s Mission is to help customers to bring the best memorable moment with their special people by giving gifts to express their love and care. 
  • Our Products: We offer handmade gift packages that include different items along with a beautiful packaging and a meaningful card.

Cr: Anusar 

[Rewrite] The Benefits of Owning a Pet

Nowadays, people assume that owning a pet means accepting a new family member or friend. Whether it is a dog, cat, bird, or rabbit, they have become one of the essential members that most people cannot live without in a family. Moreover, it is not only about accepting a new family member or friend, but it is way more about welcoming or adopting a new positive habit into our life.

Credit: Image

Having a pet is likely to bring various significant benefits to your life.

It helps improve your mood

When you own a pet, every day will become a better day. Getting stressed from your workplace, school, assignments, or exam, spending time with a pet would help increase the level of oxytocin and you would feel better. Sometimes you might even forget to do other work just because of the excitement you feel when you are with them.

It helps build your social life

No matter how busy you are, you will try sparing time to take your pet outside for a walk. So, you will get a chance of making friends with a stranger who shares the same interests as a pet lover or a pet parent and also be asked by your neighbor about your pets.

You will feel safe and less alone

Pets are not just only animals but family members, best friends, and who you can share your story with. Somedays you might need someone to listen to your problems and share your thoughts with, but you are afraid of being ignored and interrupting others. In that case, pets play an important role to be your listener, even though they cannot give you advice, you will feel better after expressing your true feeling and have no worries about your secrets being spread to others. Staying alone at home or walking to a dark unknown place will no longer be a big issue when you have a pet with you. You will get a feeling of having someone staying by your side and gives you more confidence to fight those fear.

It makes you become fit

Walking and running as you are playing with your pet, does not only help increase your bonding with your pet but also helps you do the exercise. It can be a win-win strategy that you can both play with your pet and do the exercise for your healthy body at the same time.

It helps you to build your responsibility

Raising a pet needs a lot of commitments and high responsibilities. Every day you will need to give them food, grooming, and spend time playing with them. Without all of these, you will fail to become a good pet parent.

Owning a pet provides you many advantages especially improving both physical and mental health. However, owning a pet needs a lot of time to understand and take care of them but it does not consider a burden for a pet lover. Today, we can see there are more and more people started to understand the value of raising a pet. They do not assume it as a burden but as a family member. Losing them is similar to losing a family member and that is why there is a quote that says “Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless he’s owned a pet”.

Other interesting articles related to basic knowledge about pets:


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Author Profile

I am majoring in software engineering and am a sophomore at Kirirom Institute of Technology. I am interested in full-stack development and have a strong passion for designing and looking forward to exploring digital marketing.