The Importance of a Tour Guide [Rewrite]

Everyone loves traveling, but the only problem they’re facing is that they don’t know where to start. Traveling is a very tiring experience when done wrongly, but if done correctly, you just can’t get enough of it. This is why there are tour agencies which are tour experts who can accompany you on your journey to your ideal destination and take you to the best places you could ever imagine. There are so many reasons to have a tour guide with you on your travels. Here are some reasons why you should or must have a tour guide with you:

  1. Customize or choose a tour package

Image URL: Tour Planning

  1. Experiences and Knowledge of different cultures

Image URL: Tour Guide

Visiting strange and unfamiliar places is something that everyone can avoid by having a tour guide close to them. You wouldn’t have to worry about not knowing the language or the culture or even the history of the said destination. The guides got you covered, they will keep you entertained the whole trip, with proper schedules so that you can visit the most important places without getting sidetracked through a set period of time. Their wealth of knowledge and experience are so vast, that you can ask them anything about the place and they will give you the answers that you’re looking for.

  1. Creating a network

Image URL: Network

Traveling with a guide makes you feel safe, even better than traveling with your friends, and throughout the whole journey, you will earn a new friend because they are the most kind-hearted people in the world. They are open to learning new things and listening to you, and treat you with the utmost respect that you deserve as a human being. Because guides have been to a lot of places, they know and befriended a lot of people, creating a large network which you can get access to. They will refer to just the right person for whatever needs or wants you have because they are just that reliable.

In summary, having access to a tour guide professional has no downsides whatsoever, you’ll be able to enjoy your trips to the fullest, gather new knowledge and build connections with people you’ll meet on the way including the tour guide. They make us feel safe on our journey and are always happy to be accompanying us through every step of the way.

[Rewrite] Promote Your Business to the Right Audience with LogIn

Traditionally, in the marketing world, we advertise the service and products through print, television, and radio. Although these options still exist today, the rise of internet usage in the world led to a shift in the way companies reached consumers. For instance, the internet is the one that introduces you to our service and you are here because of the internet and digital marketing so you can read this article. This is the power of the internet and digital marketing. However, if you don’t know how to utilize the technology efficiently and effectively, you will not reach the right audience and you will see no growth in your business. Therefore, LogIn is excited to introduce our service that will guide and help you scale up your business using the perfect platform and the right features. Our customers have been satisfied with the final products we have given them. LogIn is more than happy to hear many positive feedback from our clients. We would love to share with you some of the websites we have cooperated with to build the best website for you!

  • Drupal is a platform for web content management among global enterprises, governments, higher education institutions, and NGOs. This is flexible and highly scalable that is easy to work with. Our clients have been very satisfied with the results using Drupal with its best web innovation and creative designs. 
  • WIX offers all our needs to build the most perfect website. They have the most up-to-date designs for many industries. Over 900 designers are creating templates for us to choose from. There are SEO and analytics tools, an events calendar, and a logo maker as well. With this, we will be able to work with you to choose the best designs that fit your business and your requests. 
  • Squarespace is created by professional designers, one of which has won awards for design. They are packed with useful features to improve our website and designs. Our team has specialized in all the functions and features that made the working process much easier and faster. 
  • Shopify is an eCommerce website builder. Our team members have over 10 years of experience with Shopify. 
  • WooCommerce is a customizable, open-source eCommerce platform built on WordPress. We have the freedom to be creative with our ideas and designs. 
  • Joomla is used to build websites and online applications. It contains powerful and amazing features. Joomla is developed using PHP, Object Oriented Programming, software design patterns, and MySQL (used for storing the data). 

This website is the most trusted and has the best template and design in hand. LogIn has many more websites that we cooperated with and will provide to customers to choose from. The customers can request any website and we are there to assist. We will set up everything for your websites such as SEO and analytics tools. You do not have to worry, just brainstorm your ideas and discuss them with our team. We are thrilled to solve your issues to reach the ultimate goals that will boost your business to the right audience.

About The Author:

I am a tourism student and for this business idea I am working with my software engineering classmates. I believe that digital marketing is significant in this technology era. Therefore, from this business idea I want to help small and big business to showcase the world their brand and recognition.


Choose the Right College Major and University Life [Rewrite]

As the students in a high school, we may think that we have a lot of problems to handle. Those problems always increase everyday. We think that high school life is really convenience. Another things that high school students do not want to face is the competition. The competition to get first rank in the class is the most issues everyone commit to get to show their knowledge, ability, and responsibility. One more important thing is mind-set of outstanding students. Most of them think that if they study hard and commit to get grade in the class they are going to get a good job in the future. This is the only way to reach the achievement in lives. The ways to be a successful person in life is not like they though. As a student to have a good future by having a good job to do is not enough. The process to reach a goal is quite hard to interpret. To have a better life in the future every student should have good jobs and a good feeling to work on it as well. To have good feeling to work on a job that we choose we should have a dream or some job that we really love to do. To choose the right job with the right ways I have some tips to share. First of all they should have a major which is suitable for them to explore in the university life. Since in the university journey is more challenging than high school. And some students will be stuck in the middle of choosing their major. That is the reason why they should understand their situation, ability, and talent.

  1. Observation

Since to choose the major that really suitable for student is a big challenge, for every moments in the class or at home they might  thinking of the activities of the attitude what they act in the class. They start to observe their small activities in all ways. They could noted from the subject which they love to learn, foot that they love to eat, hobbies that make them happy, the type of social medias they usually watch, the music that they love listening to, and so on. These small activities will show the path which is a better to find a best major for you.

However if the observation could not help to find out, you should join any conferences to build your soft skill to think which is a critical thinking.

  1. Joint the conference 

Why do students need to join the conference to know about themselves?

Because, in any conference will provide the special guest or the public speakers who have many experiences related to the the job and go through many experiences in life. Those speaker will tell us or share the experience regarding the tips that they do to find out what they want to do or the ways to show their talented. When students do have the question it is easy to ask them immediately as well. Therefore to join the conference is an appropriate easy to know student passionate as well.

  1. Read the book 

In cases that students do know where to join the conference, who to ask, and they are not good at observation. The good ways to know their talented or passionate is to read the book. Even student shy to ask questions, ask seniors, dislike checking social medias. The book is a close friend they could ask and books will provide them the good answers with polite ways.

In conclusion to have a good job, students should have a good major to build their ability and they will love learning and doing that job in the future. To choose a good major they should understand themselves first. To understand what they love doing or what they willing to do they need to spend some time to observation their favorite things or activities. Joining the conferences is an appropriate way to build their ability to set the goal in the future. Reading book is suitable for them who do not have any chances to join the conference and they do not know who should they ask. The books will tell them all the answer that they want within polite ways.

  1. University Experience 

As a college student we have been through alot of things including assignments, new technologies to learn, group works, and the exam. For assignments, any university would give many tasks which relate to our major in order to make us know clearly about our skill and future career. Learning new technologies is one of the most challenging in university life since we need to use computers and other applications that are necessary to our major task. For those who have many experiences with modern technology it does not matter too much, in contrast for students who never use or learn about those tools  they might  face some difficulties regarding my experiences. This is really common related to the exam, every school requires all students to do the test and exam. This method just wants to identify the ability of students and also the way to measure the knowledge whether students are able to follow the school task or not. To add on there are two semesters for a year and there are two parts in each semester. In any semester including midterm and final exams that are taken by all students and checked by school controllers.