[Rewrite] What Can Mycareer Help You with the Easiest Way?

There are numerous people who deal with various circumstances every day. They each have their own objectives to fulfill. People must put in more effort to survive in today’s world and earn more money. Some people work with the industries they are passionate about and earn large incomes or profits. Because they land their ideal occupations and earn large salaries that can adequately sustain them, they enjoy greater quality of life and happiness with their family. Not everyone is fortunate enough to experience this; many individuals live with difficulties. A significant issue is obtaining a solid job. Because it’s so difficult to locate a new career that’s a dream job with great compensation, they are working in positions that are not fulfilling. They are now forced to continue working at their former employment since they have no other options. Be at ease, though! They may realize their ambition using Mycareer. They will have unimaginably more job options thanks to MyCareer. Now I will tell you what is Mycareer?  What can Mycareer help you with your dream jobs? And how to use Mycareer? 

Credits: https://kirirominstituteoftechnology.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/5171c-18-simqwc4k5vv8jmzmbdha.png

Mycareer is a website that provides many job opportunities from many potential companies in Cambodia to other employees who are finding new jobs. Our website will provide an attractive application website to our customers with the good functions to serve their needs. We will give them satisfaction with the new experiences from our service that have good design flow, the fastest service and reliability. This reliable service will provide the customers with many interesting job opportunities that are from many good companies in Cambodia. Customers can check each information every time and apply to what they’re looking for, then they will contact and inform. There are many ways to find our website. You can search our website by URL or keywords , find in Facebook page, Instagram, twitters or YouTube that is named Mycareer. On our website you can check for the job you want and then fill the requirements to afford that job. Applying for a job on our website for online methods will give you a lot of benefits.

It will give you more time. Be aware that it will be costly and time-consuming to fill a position via the traditional methods. You may save money by using online application platforms instead of the more conventional methods of applying for employment, though. Additionally, using our website to apply for a job is simpler. Normal application forms might be challenging to complete, especially for applicants who have arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. Due to advancements in technology, more people choose to do their research on computers and mobile devices. To put it another way, many people find it more secure and comfortable to communicate using a keyboard than a pencil or a pen. You’ll see that doing so makes the process of applying for a job online simpler and faster. Digital data is also accessible. When looking for your ideal employment, you should take your time to make sure you have acquired all the relevant data. As a result, completing an online job application can help you compile more digital data that could be helpful to you in your career. In addition to freeing up physical space, they also make it easier to track applicants as they advance through the selection process.

These advantages should convince you to use Mycareer to locate your ideal positions.

[Rewrite] Gift Leaves You Memory

Staying together with people that you like is a great moment. But when leaving is a sad moment. When we leave someone , we should give them some items that represent your memories with them. Gift is the best thing to hold your good memories. By looking at the gift that we provide them, they will remember you and miss the time they were with you. How to choose good gift for your lovely people ?

Choose Anusar if you want to satisfy your lovely people. Anusar is a start up business founded by Kirirom Institute of Technology students. Anusar provides the service to sell memorable products such as gifts and souvenirs which all of them are custom made product. All of the product we made are in high quality. We also provide a service to design your abstract memory into items which you can give to your lovely people .

(image : https://sites.google.com/kit.edu.kh/anusar-khstore/home)

Anusar will satisfy you with our unique design and quality of the products. How we design your gift ?

  1. Understand Their Behaviour
(Source : https://www.feedough.com/what-is-consumer-behaviour-ultimate-guide/)

It is very important to know the behaviour of the person that you plan to give gift to. We need to know what she/he likes to do and what she/he don’t like to do. What make them angry, happy ,and surprise. Then we use all of this information in the process of designing.

2. Know Their Personality

(Source : URL )

Personality is something that define who you are. We need to know his/her personality before we design the product. She/he is friendly, independent, strong ,or weak . If she/he is kid, the gift should be toy, wood vehicle ,or can be anything kid like playing. The best gift should fit with their personality and represent them.

3. Know Their Favourite

(Source : URL )

It is necessary to know someone’s favourite when you want to give them a gift. We should know what she/he likes and dislikes in terms of foods, shopping products, and so on. After knowing their favourite, we will decide to choose the product that is suitable with them.

4. Write a letter about how much you appreciate she/he

(Source : URL )

Sometimes your message is more meaningful than a physical object(product). Pair letter with a gift, she/he will be more excited. The letter should be include :

  • Tell them how much you love them or you will never forget them.
  • Write down the best memorable moment that you spent with them.(Make them never forget you)
  • Write down what you hide inside your mind that you haven’t told them when you were together.
  • etc

Other Related Article

Author Profile

My name is Piseth. I am 20 years old. I am majoring in
Software Engineering department in Kirirom Institute of Technology.
I am interested in IOT and Cyber Security.

[ReWrite] What Impact does a Mobile Application have on a Business?

BanMyCell estimates that 6.648 billion people worldwide, or 83.72 percent of the population, now use smartphones. I suppose that we all see this technology as a chance to grow our businesses, and we can achieve so by creating our own company mobile applications. Building a production application is hard, and it costs a lot of money to maintain and improve one as well. However, there are still certain significant companies that prefer to rely on it for their operations and derive significant financial benefit from it. Let’s now analyze the crucial role that mobile applications play in modern business.

Why is Mobile Application Important ?

Enhancing the client experience with a particular product is the primary objective of application development. In fact, the app’s owner expects that after publishing the program to the PlayStore or AppStore, their product sales and consumer interaction would improve. A common service or product should also have its own application these days, since this makes it simpler for users to access and see the information for all of those items with a single click.

The ability for the owner to collect consumer data is another key advantage of an application. How could we know our customers well if we didn’t have an application for our service? How might we find out how long they were engaged for and what they searched for? How could we possibly know what our client requires? The only option is to ask them directly, which is a very traditional strategy that is ineffective and would also bore our customer. However, with the aid of mobile applications, we could prevent all of these troubling issues.

How Complexity Is It ?

Let’s begin by talking about the member’s involvement in the application development process. UX/UI designer, frontend developer, and backend developer are the three key categories I would use to separate the tasks from my perspective. They must all cooperate with one another in order to finish an application. A user-friendly interface that makes it possible for users to comprehend how to utilize complicated technological items is what the UX/UI designer creates. The Frontend Developer can now begin working on the project after obtaining a nice-looking prototype from the UX/UI designer. They implement code to make the application look exactly the same as the prototype that has been created and also implement the data that is given from the backend developer. They will work on the aspects of applications that we as users cannot see, such as database storage, application architecture, back-end logic, application programming interface development, and server-side work.

I believe that the majority of folks think it’s simple to create a production application. But it definitely is not. The complexity is determined by the features we incorporate into that specific application. The customer must collaborate with an expert software engineer or developer to make an application run smoothly and provide a wonderful user experience; otherwise, the application may not function properly and may need to be rebuilt.

But don’t worry about the technical things; our team DigiVerse also offers a Mobile Application Development solution to all of our clients. We also employ many leading engineers from the Kirirom Institute of Technology.

Others Related Article


This appreciation is for those who help recommend new ideas for improving the content of the article.

Author Profile

I am a sophomore at Kirirom Institute of Technology and have a strong interest in developing websites and mobile applications.

Why Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?

Image URL

Starting a business is similar to running a marathon in that you must have endurance and ensure that you are always taking things one step further. As a result, hiring the right digital marketing agency could be the best decision you ever make for your company.

You’re probably aware that marketing is one of the most important factors in determining your success at this point. But, before we get into the specific benefits, let’s first define a digital marketing agency.

A digital marketing agency is a business-to-business service that provides a variety of marketing services. Some marketing agencies specialize in one or two areas, while others are large enough to handle any marketing task you can throw at them.
Have you tried developing a social media marketing strategy? Can you be certain that your online marketing strategy is effective? If the answer is no, then hiring an online marketing agency may be the solution. Here are three advantages to entrusting your digital strategy to an experienced team.

1. A digital marketing agency will help you expand your business online

If the outbreak has taught entrepreneurs anything, it is that firms who do not go digital risk failing or falling behind. That’s all there is to it. However, if your company has been primarily offline up to this point, establishing an online presence will required a significant time commitment. You may need to create and publish a website, begin running social media advertisements, send out newsletters to your subscribers, and so on. A digital marketing firm can take care of all of your hectic work so you can focus on what you do best.

2. A digital marketing agency will bring you more customers

When you run your own pay-per-click advertising on sites like Facebook, Google, or Instagram, you simply have to pay for ad space. However, you are also paying a digital marketing firm to help your advertising seem better and reach more prospective clients.

This may appear to be an expense, but it is truly an investment. Hiring a competent digital marketing firm (which we’ll teach you how to accomplish below) can ensure that your advertising break even or even create a positive return on ad spend.

3. Digital marketing agencies have access to resources that you may not have

You may not have the funds to hire a full-time digital marketer when your firm is still in its early stages, but you may be able to afford a digital marketing agency. Sure, it will cost you, but many people are unaware of how much money they can save by not having to pay for all of the resources that agencies have access to.

Marketing may be difficult. There are several channels to monitor, and it is easy to become disoriented or overwhelmed by the sheer number of information. However, if you have a marketing agency, you won’t have to worry about any of that.

Our team at DigiVerse will manage all of your digital marketing activities, allowing you to focus on what is most important: your business! Please visit our site so that we may discuss how to create outstanding digital experiences for you.

[Rewrite] Why DigiVerse?


In early 2021, DigiVerse started with four members from software engineering year two students. It started from discovering problems that Cambodians face and deep dive into one specific problem. We have figured out one problem that we agree with which is agency. As we all can see, we are living in the technology era and digital marketing has been promoted to the market. Most small businesses did not have much knowledge about digital marketing since they were still using traditional marketing or physical marketing. Our team wants to bring and develop small business strategy marketing through our services. What is DigiVerse? DigiVerse is a leading digital marketing agency based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We help our customers to develop their business with meaningful, unique and creative strategies. DigiVerse provides many services such as Search Engine Optimization, Mobile App Development, Content Marketing, Influencer Marketing, eCommerce Marketing, Reputation Management. Our slogan is ” Quality over quantity “. 


Conflict Idea

Since there are four members in our team which led to many different ideas and have separate fields in solving problems. After a long persuasion about digital marketing agencies, we all agree on this problem and are committed to solve it together to make better marketing in Cambodia. 


From my own experience, I have seen many online shops on social media steal other marketers content without giving them credit or asking any permission. If they do not have knowledge about digital marketing, they can use our services rather than stealing other people’s content. With DigiVerse your business strategies will be unique, creative and understandable. 


Search Engine Optimization

SEO focuses on unpaid traffic rather than direct or bought visitors. To enhance the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines.

Mobile App Development

Get a Reliable Web and Mobile Application For Your Business With us Now !

Content Marketing

Attract more customers to your website with our marketing strategies. We focus on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience online.

Influencer Marketing

Influencers typically have a huge, engaged following through which businesses may gain credibility and potentially drive sales.

eCommerce Marketing

eCommerce marketing helps attract visitors and assist online transactions, employ social media, digital content, search engines, and email advertising.

Reputation Management

Reputation management service helps managing, improving, or hiding the reputation of our client companies.


The mission is to provide the best quality work to clients within a time frame. To ensure the
services or products are widely known with clear, unique, creative and meaningful ideas.


DigiVerse’s vision is to become the leading digital marketing agency in Cambodia. To create a
business world full of prosperity, meaning and awareness using digital technology.


Our team has four members in total. We are two year students  from Kirirom Institute of Technology majoring in software engineering. Other than learning about software engineering we are also interested in designing, digital marketing, developing apps or websites. Since we have the same vision and passion we decided to be a team solving one problem.


Here are some more articles that might interest you

  1. What is DigiVerse?
  2. How Does Mobile App Impact a Company? 
  3. How To Use Social Media To Supercharge Your Inbound Marketing Strategy 
  4. E-Commerce Industry in 2022: Trends You Need to Know

About The Author:

I am a software engineering student who is working on startup and small business and struggling on how to promote their business to the audience. I am willing to use the services and improve my business.

[Rewrite]: Why you should chose Cafe Khmer’s Shop?

Can you guess what is the most consumed liquid in the world? The easy answer is water,right? But, who probably would not think that coffee is another beverage that comes pretty close to the water. Additionally, coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. The popularity of coffee as a drink is completely due to the caffeine it contains and its wonderful taste. Coffee consumers relate the energizing lift of caffeine with the scrumptious flavor and smell of coffee that conveys it. In today’s world, coffee shops have become a need and a habit. It attracts a wide mix, ranging from professionals and executives to teenagers. However, finding a coffee shop in our country that can deliver top-quality coffee like this for consumers is difficult. There are numerous small to medium size businesses that try to provide this service, but most of them fail at delivering either quality or good services. The coffee shop should offer more than just the things on its menu; it also sells a pleasant atmosphere. For us, Cafe Khmer’s Shop, our mission is to maintain three important categories which include Quality, good Services and a suitable price. Cafe Khmer’s shop provide a variety of services such as good selection of menu, a fresh and calm environment, cultural design, friendly customer service, high speed wifi and, most importantly, promotions.

  • Good selection of menu
Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/600034350365956281/

In our shop, we not only provide high-quality coffee, but also tea, milkshakes,smoothies, and Khmer sugarcane juice, which is not only delicious and refreshing, but also extremely healthy. Moreover, for the coffee, we make sure to select only the best beans in our country which originated from MondulKiri and Ratanak Kiri.

  • Good environment

You can grab your coffee and enjoy it in a peaceful atmosphere surrounded by nature, an excellent location to relieve mental stress, restore your energy, increase levels of relaxation, and allow your brain to rest and recoup.

  • Cultural design
Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/582794008042744429/

We are one of the few coffee shops in town to add our cultural design to our interior. Customers can enjoy the magnificent view and explore khmer’s traditional design while drinking and enjoying your coffee. 

  • Friendly customer service

Credit: friendly service coffee shop – Google Search

Customer satisfaction and loyalty are now necessary for the existence of a firm or organization. We will make certain that each customer is greeted properly and receives a prompt answer when necessary. Furthermore, your automobiles will be safe within our business since we have a security guard looking for them.

  • High speed wifi
Credit : https://cdn.techjuice.pk/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Faceboook-wifi-fast.jpg

We provide free and fast internet access to students who want to do group study or finish their tasks. It is also ideal for business people that wish to hold meetings and discuss their business.

  • Promotion
Credit: https://img.freepik.com/free-vector/delicious-coffee-loyalty-card-template_23-2149294770.jpg?w=2000

With our Cafe’s Khmer Shop, we will provide 15% off any type of drink to our clients every month and year in order to strengthen our relationship with them. Furthermore, we will offer a loyalty card on which you may obtain a stamp for each drink purchased. When you collect ten stamps, you may exchange them for two free beverages.

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[Rewrite] The Café of Cultures and Traditions

Our Business Concepts’ Background

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This appreciation is for those who help recommend new ideas for improving the content of the article.

Author Profile

I’m LeapHeng. Currently I am a second-year student majoring in software engineering at Kirirom Institute of Technology. I like to watch movie and play sport in my free time.

[Rewrite] Stunning Kampot, Cambodia

Wondering where to go and what to do in Kampot province?

Kampot is a city on the Preaek Tuek Chhu River in southern Cambodia. It’s known for its pepper plantations and salt fields. Many buildings date from the colonial period, including the Governor’s Mansion. The house is now the Kampot Museum, which has exhibits on the city’s history. To the west, Preah Monivong Bokor National Park has a cool climate with forests, waterfalls and wildlife including gibbons and big cats.


#1 Pepper plantation

La Plantation is a social and sustainable family project where they produce pepper both in traditional and modern processing. They tour you around the farm, and you can taste different types of pepper. Meanwhile, you could have a meal at the restaurant or join the cooking class there. By visiting the place, you will also experience a tour in the rural countryside up to secret lake. 


#2 Visit the Salt Fields

Kampot is the land of salt and pepper. The salt fields are just outside of town. Salt water is brought from the sea 5km away into prepared clay fields and left to evaporate until salt crystals form. In the morning, you can see the workers raking the salt and carrying it off in heavy baskets. At sunrise it was a stunning place.


#3 Bokor National Park

Bokor National Park is well known for the abandoned Bokor Hill Station, a remote settlement built by the French colonialists in 1921. They also built a Catholic church nearby in 1928, a very rare sight in Cambodia.  

The journey will be rewarded with a lush forest, large rocks shaped like animals, and sailing junks, as well as a breathtaking panoramic view of the Kampot countryside, Sihanoukville, and the bright blue sea, Catholic Church, Bokor Palace Hotel, and much of the infrastructure on Bokor Mountain during the French colonial period. 


#4 Green Cathedral 

You can kayaking through a Cathedral, a small river loop trail on the edge of a national park. The most idyllic stretch of Praek Tuek Chhu river lies 5km north of Kampot city, where the waterway naturally curves to accommodate thickets of jungle foliage and mangrove swamps. The Green Cathedral is a lush still-water loop where you can gently paddle a kayak. You get to explore by water and go at your own pace by kayaking. 


#5 Anlung Pring Community led Ecotourism

If you are interested in seeing wildlife, Anlung Pring Community would be the perfect place to visit in Kampot. A Guide can tour you to see cranes. You also could learn to cook with the locals, or learn traditional weaving and bring home a souvenir we make together. You not only experience a local trip there, you support the local village.


#6 Kampot Museum

The Kampot region has a two thousand year history, its population is diverse and its resources are varied. Kampot city holds an exceptional architectural heritage dating mainly from colonial times. Yet this heritage is largely ignored both by Cambodians and foreigners. The Museum is dedicated to restore their memory to Cambodians and to allow foreigners to learn more about the region . Kampot capital of the eponymous southern province has a charm to which foreigners are sensitive as evidenced by the growing number of foreign residents and the influx of tourists of all nationalities. The city is located between two major attractions that are Kep resort and Bokor hill station. The Museum aims to fill this gap and offer both to residents and to foreigners a cultural site.

Building in France Colonial era: URL
Renovated building: URL

Overall, having a trip to Kampot is worth it, you will gain a unique experience that really allows you to surround yourself with nature, learn the history of sites, explore old architecture buildings, and spend your trip as a local living. 
Author Profile:

I am May Sokunlanita, sophomore architecture student of Kirirom Institute of Technology. I am very passionate in traveling. I believe that being to different places, it is like a journey of capturing best memories and exploring new things.

[Rewrite] Psychology of Gift Giving


Every special occasion whether it is Christmas, birthday, anniversary, or even when a person achieves anything, we often spend time choosing the right gift for our dear ones. A present is a crucial part of our lives. Gifts are given not only on special occasions, but simply anytime you want someone to be pleased or when you want to show your gratitude towards them. We can even say that giving and receiving presents might also help us to create better emotional connections with people we care about or wish to grow close to. However, it is something we do intuitively, and most of us never consider the significance of that action. We should understand that our selected gift and the way we deliver it reveals a lot about us, our connections, and the diverse society that exists in our community.

If we look closely at the meaning of gifting, we will discover the surprising truth about it. The genuine meaning of giving gifts is as follows:

1. Gift Giving Shows People That You Care About Them


Giving a gift to someone outside of a holiday or special occasion might also demonstrate to others that you are the type of person who is concerned about the needs of others. For example, giving your friend a new personalized phone case after graduating or giving your girlfriend a necklace show that you pay attention to the time you spend with each other. It is an act of kindness we want to share with our loved ones. You’ll be able to endear yourself to your friends and family by giving them these unexpected presents, making them feel liked, appreciated, and listened to.

2. Gift Giving Helps People Relieve Tension and Anxiety


Sometimes we do not know what our friends or family are going through, so by giving a gift to someone who has been through a terrible time or is suffering from depression is a wonderful approach to assist them. Gifts have been shown to support people overcome stress and anxiety. They can improve people’s moods, reduce stress and blood pressure, and make them less apprehensive, making them happier. This is also the act of showing care ness that has been mentioned above. Those gifts could be something like a weighted blanket or a self-help book.

3. Gift Giving Shows Your Appreciation


It matters a lot to people when you express your gratitude for anything they have done for you or that you are thankful to have them in your life. But it’s when you show them how grateful you are that the event becomes truly memorable. You can literally make them a little bit better.

Giving a gift to someone who has helped you might demonstrate your gratitude. He or she will sense your thanks and the effort you made to make them feel valued. It does not have to be really pricey. Something like a customized mug based on their interest or a movie ticket.

So, after reading all the three points mentioned above, if you start to develop a feeling of giving someone a gift, then don’t forget to check “Anusar“. Anusar is an e-commerce site that allows customers to customize items that they desired. We provide a service for the customer to purchase goods (accessories) and allow them to customize whatever the customer wants according to their preferences.

There are many options for you to customize the products that you like. Something like personalized phone cases or personalized mugs can be found on the website. So if you are interested in giving someone a gift, don’t forget to check out “Anusar”. All the information can be found on the website.

Here are some articles that might interest you:

How to Choose a Gift for a Friend.

How to satisfy someone with gifts?

5 rules for successful gift giving

Guide to Gift Giving Around The World

Author Profile

Hello readers. My name is China. I am currently a year 2 student majoring in software engineering studying at Kirirom Institute of Technology. My goal is to become a successful full-stack developer. I value the gifts I got from others. I believe gifting is one of the activities we do to express our gratitude and our love for one another.

[Rewrite] How ActMat Helps to Assist Customers.

Everything has evolved and changed so quickly in the modern world. especially in the field of architecture. Everywhere we look, there are enormous, spectacular buildings with various architectural styles. The main element that makes our buildings appear great is decoration, and designing a space requires a lot of stuff. Finding materials for architecture is a constant problem. They occasionally have a budget, but they are unable to find the desired products. They constantly travel about asking questions without mentioning which store carries the item they’re looking for. They spend a lot of energy searching for it, which is a huge waste of time. Another concern is that since we don’t know for sure about the product quality or pricing, we only obtained false information about the product, they may sometimes be easily fooled by the shop owner. Because it is so difficult to believe what they say, finding a decent, high-quality product requires that we understand it properly and have a reliable source of information. Furthermore, despite the fact that COVID-19 virus instances are currently declining daily, everyone still requires adherence to the protocol, keeping their distance, wearing a mask, and staying at home when it is not necessary. Due to this issue, online platforms for selling architectural items are quite beneficial and reliable.

Introduce ArcMat


Arcmat is a company that assists people in determining what materials they require for home design. With an online service that delivers all architectural items of excellent quality at a reasonable price from all over the world, with only one click on our website, customers may simply and rapidly purchase building products. We provide a wide variety of structures. The list of items will then show up on your screen interface after you do any desired category searches. Additionally, we offer accurate information about each product in a transparent manner. Moreover, every week and at every event, we offer a unique deal. To further foster consumer trust, we always provide a warranty with every item.

How does our service really give a benefit to our customers? 


ArcMat stands apart from its competitors because we provide an online marketplace where customers can find the products they’re looking for, in contrast to most home constructor material who operate locally. Of course! Since they no longer need to search for goods on the real market but can simply sit still and scroll up and down our website to see the goods they want, it truly saves our clients a lot of time when they search for or purchase construction supplies from us. They can get in touch with us right away after that. Additionally, customers won’t be taken advantage of by store owners any longer because the information on each product is clear and derived from a reliable source. Additionally, as we have customer service to assist consumers as needed, we will remain available to them anytime they have a query throughout work time. And buyers won’t be concerned about the product’s quality and protection any longer. Customers are still concerned even if we offer high-quality products, so we also give them a chance to return the item within 7 days if they are unhappy with it, and we offer a variety of warranties for the products we sell. Moreover, ordering the item they want and providing us with their information or calling us directly will allow us to bring it to them for free and in a timely manner, saving them the trouble of going to the store or waiting any longer. Lastly, Customers may simply get in touch with us by visiting our website and Facebook page, where they can schedule an appointment with us. They can also reach us by phone or email, and if they have any questions about our home goods, they can post a message below our comment section.

Here are some more articles that might interest you

How does Arcmat interact with customers?

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Developing a strategic e-commerce architecture.

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Acknowledgement: This is an acknowledgment to the people who help make this rewritten article possible:

Author Profile

I’m Chamroeun. Currently I am a second-year student majoring in software engineering at Kirirom Institute of Technology. I’m seeking an internship that will allow me to develop and push myself in a working environment, particularly to obtain new experience. I enjoy challenging myself and being innovative.

[Rewrite] Login make your business growth rapidly 

In this industry 4.0, everything is digitalized. Most of the things are moving from either the manual way or traditional into automatic and mechanical. Technology now has become indeed in daily life,  as we can see,more and more businesses are now getting into digital marketing by collaborating with other companies or they start to build their own application or website to advertise in order to attract and reach out to their potential customers. That’s why we believe every small medium enterprise should have their own websites or applications and now we are here to make all those traditional business owners pursue their dream web or app.

Login is the digital solution provider where you can build Mobile application  

Which include many services such as Mobile applications, Web, Business Solutions, digital marketing, video & photography and business campaigns. 

As you know that nowaday there are so many companies that provide the exact same service but we are one of best choices to choose from because our company has been experienced in this field for 1 years but built and completed more than 40 projects for national and international projects with the best feedback from our clients. Which makes us become one of the best digital solution specialists in Cambodia. Behind all of these achievements, there is efficient work with the experience of local and international teams, excellence in management and design.

There are many benefits of using our service as we will cover everything for you from beginning to end, you just need to provide ideal  applications and we will make it as you want. Moreover, we will provide an example look (UX/UI design) then we will make those designs into the real project if it meets your expectations. However, if it doesn’t,  we will do as you wish in order to meet your expectations. We guarantee that  your application will be tested to make sure all the functionality and security are the best. Beside this, we can deploy for you based on what you want and your budget. Additionally, you also get a limited time offer to get your application fixed or checked after that period you still contact us to renew your service.

There are several rumors going around about this kind of service. First, there are many rumors where some customers get charged overpriced which causes some hesitation . But with Login, you are rest assured about this matter because we will have a talk with you about the price and we also provide a list of budget services for you. Second is the fraud project since some projects started around a year ago but still have not been completed  which causes clients to lose lots of revenues. However, as you are collaborating with us we can guarantee that your project will be delivered on time as we planned. Beside, we provide you and security and trust in law field as well since we will have lawyer to create a contract between the provider and client. We would pay you a fine if we couldn’t complete your project on time as we planned as a penalty. Third is about the quality, as you know we have completed more than 30 projects so far which we gain a lot of belief that our quality is topnotch because we provide you a service that builds trust and confidence about our profession. On top of that, we also have a quality assurance to make sure that projects are tested before launching in order to avoid mistakes and ensure that our project is sensational.