[Rewrite]MyCareer Your Career


Hello, Seak Kimhour is my name. I work for the My Career team. I’m going to give you an overview of my career today. What Do I Do for Work? Everyone may locate several career opportunities on the web portal known as My Career. We offer several simple features on our website that can assist you in applying for jobs, such as “How to Apply for Jobs” and other things. The most crucial factor is that we work with several businesses in Cambodia so that customers may get employment more quickly. Why do we make it? As shown on social media, many people have trouble finding jobs because of our staff. They need to be connected to plenty of people to obtain a job soon. We also focus on helping college students who lack experience get jobs because most employers prefer candidates with at least one or two years of experience. However, they did not consider the fact that they are just in their first or second year of college and do not yet have much experience with it. Give them an opportunity to learn so they can get experience if you haven’t already. On the other side, we notice many unemployed people on our social networks, which is likely due to the fact that they are not given enough information or are unable to apply because they do not know how to do so. We came up with the concept to develop MyCareer for these reasons. Additionally, you work with MyCareer to search for altering positions so that you may obtain a high job with numerous benefits for which you are eligible. If we look at several businesses in our nation, some of them do not provide you with a direct advantage due to their desire to maximise profits; instead, they believe that by giving you a modest sum of money each month, they may save a significant amount of money annually. But what about you? Due to a lack of knowledge of employment opportunities, you feel you have no other option. To be completely honest, I learned those details from a close buddy. He has been utilising flutter as a mobile developer for six to eight months. When he looked for a job, one firm only offered him a wage of $50 for full-time work and $30 for part-time work, which was quite far from his house. What’s terrible is that he can drive by himself, so he must use a Taxi. I was genuinely shocked when I learned those details directly from him. I almost forgot to mention why we can offer you a really ideal career opportunity. We can have a lot of collaboration because we charge lower commercial rates from the firm, and we exclusively search for top-tier employment opportunities that will benefit our customers and allow for mutual growth. Despite everything, we want to see no unemployed people in our nation. In particular, we wish to transform our country from a developing one to a developed one in the future. We can steadily raise the GDP rate.

Check out:

My Career’s official website: https://sites.google.com/kit.edu.kh/my-career/home

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Author Profile

I’m Seak Kimhour concentrating on computer programming at the Kirirom Institute of Technology. I have areas of strength for an in state of the art 21st-century creations, especially in IoT, digital protection, and web improvement. I think development can possibly work on individuals’ lives. My Career has a lot of potential to help a considerable lot of our clients in handling their optimal vocation and coordinate the top candidate with the best positions for work suppliers. We are building a local area where valid, enhanced, and down to earth material about new position selecting is shared.

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