[Rewrite]MyCareer Your Career


Hello, Seak Kimhour is my name. I work for the My Career team. I’m going to give you an overview of my career today. What Do I Do for Work? Everyone may locate several career opportunities on the web portal known as My Career. We offer several simple features on our website that can assist you in applying for jobs, such as “How to Apply for Jobs” and other things. The most crucial factor is that we work with several businesses in Cambodia so that customers may get employment more quickly. Why do we make it? As shown on social media, many people have trouble finding jobs because of our staff. They need to be connected to plenty of people to obtain a job soon. We also focus on helping college students who lack experience get jobs because most employers prefer candidates with at least one or two years of experience. However, they did not consider the fact that they are just in their first or second year of college and do not yet have much experience with it. Give them an opportunity to learn so they can get experience if you haven’t already. On the other side, we notice many unemployed people on our social networks, which is likely due to the fact that they are not given enough information or are unable to apply because they do not know how to do so. We came up with the concept to develop MyCareer for these reasons. Additionally, you work with MyCareer to search for altering positions so that you may obtain a high job with numerous benefits for which you are eligible. If we look at several businesses in our nation, some of them do not provide you with a direct advantage due to their desire to maximise profits; instead, they believe that by giving you a modest sum of money each month, they may save a significant amount of money annually. But what about you? Due to a lack of knowledge of employment opportunities, you feel you have no other option. To be completely honest, I learned those details from a close buddy. He has been utilising flutter as a mobile developer for six to eight months. When he looked for a job, one firm only offered him a wage of $50 for full-time work and $30 for part-time work, which was quite far from his house. What’s terrible is that he can drive by himself, so he must use a Taxi. I was genuinely shocked when I learned those details directly from him. I almost forgot to mention why we can offer you a really ideal career opportunity. We can have a lot of collaboration because we charge lower commercial rates from the firm, and we exclusively search for top-tier employment opportunities that will benefit our customers and allow for mutual growth. Despite everything, we want to see no unemployed people in our nation. In particular, we wish to transform our country from a developing one to a developed one in the future. We can steadily raise the GDP rate.

Check out:

My Career’s official website: https://sites.google.com/kit.edu.kh/my-career/home

Follow My Career on:

Author Profile

I’m Seak Kimhour concentrating on computer programming at the Kirirom Institute of Technology. I have areas of strength for an in state of the art 21st-century creations, especially in IoT, digital protection, and web improvement. I think development can possibly work on individuals’ lives. My Career has a lot of potential to help a considerable lot of our clients in handling their optimal vocation and coordinate the top candidate with the best positions for work suppliers. We are building a local area where valid, enhanced, and down to earth material about new position selecting is shared.

How to satisfy someone with gifts?

Anusar is an e-commerce platform which provides service and products such as gifts and memorable DIY based in Cambodia. Anusar was first created by a group of KIT’s students who are passionate about business and want to become entrepreneurs in the future. 

Image: Mao Timong

Our mission is to turn customer’s magical moments into a piece of things which last forever in their hearts. 

ANUSAR collects miscellaneous goods (things) that you can use with peace of mind with the concept of “ONE GIFT, WHOLE MEMORIES”. If you add a little premium to the things you use casually, your mind and body will be happy and relieved. Please take a look at ANUSAR’s products via: anusar  with such a desire to deliver such happiness to many people. Things that are particular about ease of use. I’m sure each thing will bring a little happiness to Beyond  being able to make it. We cherish the feelings of everyone beyond the things we made.

So in this article, I will share some tips to satisfy your loved one with our gifts. You may wonder how to win someone’s heart by giving gifts. 

There are multiple reasons to know about a person’s heart, but in this article I will choose only the important part which you can normalize in your life. 

  1. Know their personality

Knowing your personality type can help you better understand how and why your interests and those of others may different. Knowing your personality type may help you lead, influence, communicate, cooperate, make deals, and manage stress. He or she might be a kind or caring person, so that you can find a gift with that inner quality in it. 

  1. Know their love language

Being aware of your partner’s love language enables you to anticipate and fulfill their demands. If you know how to speak to someone on their level, you are less likely to encounter communication problems. Your connection will deepen as a result of this conversation. By understanding this, you will be able to know what to provide. It will be great if your loved one is a gift person, she or he definitely will be excited. 

  1. Know their idea type of future partner


You’ll be able to identify areas in your relationship that need a little work when you have a greater awareness of the many types of love. Because they understand that love is not yet another concept, in which the happiest and most successful couples are where they are now living their best relationship. 

  1. Know their basic favorite things

The secret to buying something that will satisfy others with your generosity is to know what they like. Basic favorites include things like favorite foods, colors, hobbies, destinations, and music, among many other things. These things make it simple to assess their needs and personalities.

[Rewrite] A Job Application Platform You Must Check

Are you currently looking for a new job opportunity? In what ways do you gather information regarding the hiring? Is the information accurate and reliable? Did you successfully apply for the job using those platforms?

We would like to introduce you to My Career. We bring your future closer to you. We are a job application platform that focuses on bringing simplicity, diversity, and reliability to our users. Choose your career with My Career.

My Career has a big network connecting with enterprises, organizations, educational institutions, and governmental stakeholders that provide accurate, diverse, and reliable information about new career opportunities. From that, we will deliver that information to all job seekers in a simple and convenient way. 

Do you find it challenging to browse through several platforms to search for the information that is suitable for you? With My Career, you won’t be facing that concern anymore. Despite the mass and variety of information, with our clear and simple organizational structure of contents, you will find the details you need in just a few clicks. We make it even easier for you via the searching features. You can customize the search in many ways based on your interests. 

In addition, we focus heavily on gathering information from a variety of sources. We believe that this will be able to suit your needs especially since we target a wide range of users so trying to satisfy our customers’ needs is our priority. 

On top of the diversity of our information, it is essential to ensure its accuracy and reliability as well. For that reason, My Career is working hard on building and expanding our connections to many more partners to verify and ensure that the contents posted on our website are up-to-date and correct. 

We believe that when we are able to align our visions with our customers, we will be able to create a great impact on them. In addition to the three values we aim to share with our customers, there are also unique services we believe can elevate the experience of our customers. Those services include a self-evaluation of our customers so that they can better understand themselves, interests, and goals and the second service is a consultation that will assist users in preparing for their job application submissions.  

Not everyone is clear about their future pathways. However, in order to perform well in the applications, users should choose the job that matches their interests. With our service, you can fill out form answering questions that will lead to identifying the career goals that fit with your skill level, passion, and characteristics. 

We are different from other platforms because we provide a consultation service to guide our users in preparing for their submission and interview. We will tackle important points in delivering a successful interview and the best way to prepare to be the best candidate for the position. 

This is just a brief introduction to My Career. Even though we are still in the early stage, we strongly believe that we can help create an impact on our users. We bring job seekers to their future careers and we match job providers with the best candidates. These are just some reasons why we are beyond ordinary job application platforms. Join us. Join My Career!

Check out:

My Career’s official website: https://sites.google.com/kit.edu.kh/my-career/home

Follow My Career on:

Other interesting articles related to job-sharing platforms:


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Author Profile

I am a software engineering sophomore at the Kirirom Institute of Technology who is passionate about cutting-edge and 21st-century innovations, especially in IoT technology, cyber security, and web development. I believe that innovation can make an impact on others’ life. My Career has great potential in helping many of our users find their dream job and matching the best candidate to the appropriate positions for job providers. We are creating a community that shares useful, diverse, and reliable content on new job hiring.

Article : Why choose My Career ?

Do you find it hard to find a job that leads you to your dream career ? Have you ever tried to find your next career online but couldn’t find one ? Are you struggling to apply for your selected job?  Say less ! In My career we lead the way by offering in-demand opportunities that you might not find anywhere else. With simple navigation, even with varieties of jobs you’ll be at ease browsing through our platform. We post opportunities on various locations, categories, industries, and skill levels. Our information is from trustworthy partners only ! With My Career we bring your future close to you ! Search for the job opportunities that fit with your skills and needs. An occupation earning potential is a major consideration for most when deciding on a suitable career. Choosing the right career means that you will be able to have economic security which leads to financial stability. And if you are currently a student you’ll be less likely to find your future career due to less experience in the working field. Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will make in life. It’s so much more important than what you have to do to make a living. If you don’t find your work meaningful and rewarding, it’s hard to generate the effort and enthusiasm to advance in your job or career. Why 99 percent of people choose the wrong career path? Because you can’t determine how you prefer to add value in the workplace, you can’t get clear on your professional strengths and preferences, you don’t understand what companies/industries/jobs you’re actually drawn to and why.  As a job seeker, you may feel powerless right now, but rest assured, this is not entirely true! In My Career we offer a free consultation service for you. You can talk with us about your concerns and we will connect you with experts and relevant partners. We will help you prepare for the application process to ensure that you will be the perfect candidate for your job. Moreover, in My Career we offer a very promising job opportunity to you and we’ll make sure that you are satisfied with the career you choose. Due to increasing demand of employees throughout the year, My career would be your best choice to find any career you want with just one click away ! Plus it is easier to find your very own job with our easy navigation system. Not just a physical career but also an online career too ! Yes, you heard us. In My career, we cover as many job opportunities as possible that include an online career which you can work from home part time or full-time. So why choose us ? Because we are the best at what we do. Simply by offering you a simple, diverse and reliable way of finding your dream career. Not to mention that our platform got supported by the ministry of labor and vocational training of Cambodia, Asia to Asia, vKirirom pine resort and many more ! 

[Rewrite] Why LOSTWORLD Save You Money ?

Do you find it difficult to bargain while buying goods at the market ? Do you feel tired of wasting the entire morning just to find a new skirt to attend a party ? You might sometimes spend the entire day looking for something, and it is already out of stock ?  Is your home location far from the market, and your job leaves you with little time to go shopping? There is no longer an issue. LOSTWORLD is here to assist you with your shopping and help you save time. LOST WORLD is an ecommerce website that assists every business for it adds on advantages to business, productivity, abilities, accessibility, reach, customers, marketing, analysis and branding.

LOST WORLD is a collection of thousands of stores that sell a variety of goods. Each and every time the buyers make a purchase. The staff will start searching for that specific item, and will package and transport it right to the customer’s home. In addition, we will determine the vendor’s payment in a way that is satisfactory to both the vendors and the customers. The following are reasons why the business owner should choose a LOST WORLD website to support their business. 

Lower Price

Cost reduction is one of the key benefits of LOST WORLD website that keep sellers engaged in online selling. Retailers have to spend a lot of money on physical stores. They also pay up front costs like rent, maintenance, store design, inventory, and so forth. Despite large investments in services, inventory, maintenance, and labor, physical stores frequently fail to realize the desired profitability and return on investment. Running a business with LOSTWORLD is less expensive and requires less investment than a traditional business. For small-scale and independent vendors that want to make money but lack the start-up capital, this is also a great choice.

Comprehensive product catalog

Vendors can provide as much information as they’d like about the product on a product display page. Additionally, LOSTWORLD websites provide plenty of space for displaying the variety of products, including colors, details, sizes, and materials, all of which are challenging to do in physical stores. Online merchants can also share their products on social media, allowing customers to interact with them and develop a stronger relationship with your company.

Several Payment Modes

Personalization is something that customers value, even when they are paying for their orders. Your e-commerce store accepts payments through credit/debit cards, payment wallets, and cash on delivery. Customers can choose from a variety of payment choices as a result, reducing card abandonment and raising sales for your company.

Consumer Data Analysis

The simplicity of gathering, analyzing, and taking action on data is yet another advantage of online product sales. You can gather first-hand data from the LOST WORLD website by monitoring how users interact with it. The information offers you suggestions for enhancing user experience and boosting sales for your e-commerce business. You can detect and enhance feedback loops of any useful insights by tracking client interactions, which will help to enhance your customers’ experience.


The ability to identify which products are selling well and ensuring that the stock levels of these products are maintained and monitored are made possible by LOSTWORLD platforms. This enables you to grow your company in a variety of ways, including sales, clientele, and profit margins. 

Vendors and customers can save time and enjoy shopping with LOSTWORLD at any time. Compared to opening a physical store, it is more accessible, less expensive, and safer. If you have a business plan and products that satisfy your consumers’ demands,  LOSTWORLD is the best partner to support you.  

LogIn Facilitates your Business

We are offering a digital marketing website creation service. We are here to help you succeed in your business. We are always available to answer any questions you may have. In order to familiarize you with our services, we will discuss digital marketing in as simple a manner as possible.

First of all, to talk about digital marketing, you need to know about traditional marketing. Conventional marketing is the advertising of various services and products through print media such as newspapers, television, radio, and billboards. But nowadays, with the spread of the Internet, we have moved to digital marketing, advertising on the Internet. While traditional advertising methods are still used, most of the advertising is done through digital marketing. This is because traditional advertising, especially for business purposes, is by far not the best way to attract customers and is not suitable for business. For example, many people do not buy printed materials, such as newspapers, but instead go to the Internet or social media to gather information. This is because it is very convenient. No one would go out of their way to pay for printed materials to gather information. It is easy to gather information without paying for it using a cell phone or a computer at hand. Traditional advertising methods are out of date.

Next, I would like to talk about the difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing. There are two major differences. The first is the difference in the rate of customer attraction, as I mentioned earlier. Digital marketing publicity reaches far more people than traditional methods of advertising. Since most people use the Internet and social media, it is easy to advertise by displaying ads. In addition, if you have a website with that ad and interesting text, you can expect to attract even more customers.

Second is the cost of advertising. The second is cost. Conventional advertising methods cost a lot of money, but do not attract any customers at all, which means that you have wasted money. Advertising with billboards is very hard work, but no one sees it. Digital marketing, on the other hand, costs a little more, but it attracts more customers than traditional advertising methods. In addition, digital marketing is different from traditional advertising because it prioritizes products and services that are relevant and interesting to the user’s search. In other words, digital marketing is more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods.

Based on the above, we hope that you now understand that digital marketing is a recommended method of business promotion and that your business has a good chance of success. Therefore, we would like to introduce and recommend our services. First, we can help you create a successful website for your business; we have everything you need to create a website, including SEO and analytical tools. All you have to do is discuss the design, etc. with our team. You can request any kind of website you want and we will do our best to accommodate you and your requests.

The Benefit of Getting an Online Vet Consultation

Having a pet is not just to raise them as a pet, but it is all about looking forward to becoming a family, spending time with them, and creating memories. Imagine having someone waiting for you at home when you are off from work, or school, or having someone to play with, and listen to every kind of problem you would like to share. Owning a pet, their health is one of the most important that every pet parents need to pay attention to. Even though sometimes you might be able to understand what your pet needs or struggle with, sometimes you are not able to guess it right as well. You should bring them to the pet center or clinic where they can provide you with a pet service and have a consultation with an expert veterinarian. However, not all pet is comfortable going to the clinic for a checkup or getting any services. They might feel afraid just like our humans that some people do not really like going to the hospital. Plus, nowadays even though the Covid-19 virus cases are decreasing each day, everyone must still follow the protocol, keep their distance, wear a mask and stay at home if it is not needed. Because of these problems, online vet consultation has become one of the services that every pet parents really need, and it provides many benefits. 

1. It is stress-free and saves time.

Image URL: Queue Veterinary Medical Clinic

You do not need to drive from our home to the clinic, get into a traffic jam and have to wait in a queue for a long time. With the online consultation, you can just stay at your home or any place that is comfortable for you and your pet. Some people might get bored sitting and waiting in a room for a long time until it comes to their turn.

2. It saves money

Image URL: Money Saving Driving Tips

It helps you save money from traveling from your home to the clinic for the consultation. Not everyone is able to drive their own car or ride a motorcycle when bringing their pet along. They will feel of being interrupted by the pet and not able to drive or ride properly, and it will cause them to have an accident as well. So, they would choose to go to the clinic by taxi. But, if they offer to have an online consultation, they will just need to find a good place or just stay at home and wait to join the meeting link on any platform that has been set up.

3. It is a secure and safe consultation

Image URL: Online Vet Consultation

Even though it is about the pet problem, there are still some matters that you really cannot talk publicly and it needs to be in private. As in an online platform, the consultation needs to remain safe and confidential of the information and it also helps to earn the trust of the customer.

Getting an online vet consultation brings many benefits. People do not need to worry about getting stressed waiting in a queue or getting into traffic congestion while on the trip to the clinic anymore. All they need to do is get prepared themselves in a comfortable place with their pet, join the meeting platform and have a discussion with the expert. It is more convenient and easier to have an online vet consultation. Do you prefer having an online or physical vet consultation? 

Our Business Concepts’ Background

The story behind our business.

Every business or start up usually has their own stories. Some begin with love such as some people they love watch then they realize that they could invest on a watch to sell. Some of them create the business of their experiences. This case people work on something until they actually know about those things, after that they try to run their own shop or business. For Cafe’s Khmer Shop, we start our business because we have a chance to join a short term course that relates to entrepreneurship and business in the new digital world.That time everyone who join that event need to collab as the team to find the ideas and create the business that we want to run in the future. My team and I came up with many ideas  the  which all of us have propose to the team. Those ideas always got rejected by the team which led us to struggle about that point.. Then after introduce the favorite, attitude, hobbies, and the place which we love. We have noted that most of us love drinking the coffee, hanging out with friends at the eco-friendly coffee shop, having meetings or discussion with the team, sefl study at the silent place. Then we decide to make business that related to the coffee shop decorated with Khmer ideas of design, Khmer furniture, fresh location, nice coffee taste, and a free library in this shop. 

The problem that we face

One more thing we came up with this ideas for the reason that we face many problems when we go to some coffee shop. Some coffee shop have a very good taste of drinks and coffee, but for the service is really bad to serve to us such as the staff does not smile when meet us, they don’t even ask us about the drink we want. They just wait for us to go to ask them first. Others case, the taste is good, good service, and the price is unexceptable. Some shops sell the very high price which make us uncomfortable to use that service again. One more special case is everything is good except the location, decoration and environment. The location is hard to find and hard to park our vehicles. As a customer we need the shop which is equipped with the very nice look furnitures, and decoration in order to capture the good view of photo to memorize those moment with our lovers. If everything is good and really attractive for customers, but it hard to find and park is difficult to park the customer like us will consider not to go twice as well. The problem that we want to solve is to make customer have a good experience with their meeting. We set our shop like a meeting place as because we decorate our shop to have a good environment with the silent place. 

We have collect all the problem from the member which we would like to solve them by create the shop that provide the eco friendly, silent places, library, good environmental, good decoration that related to Khmer decorate ideas, good location which is easy to find in the google map, we train our staff to have a quality of serving the service, and a very good quality of coffee with the reasonable price. We hope strongly to solve the customers that like that kind of coffee, silent place like us.

How does NormDer help costumes.

How does NormDer help costumes 

NormDer is a service that helps owner shops or the interested place to promote their place on social media. NormDer is a new idea of our team that we provide shooting videos such as reviewing food in the customer shop and  reviewing places like travel places. Then we promote their place or our customer product on our website and our social media such as Instagram, Facebook page, twitter and youtube. Moreover when the customer buys our service we provide design posters for our customer social media and we also post promotions on our page also.


The idea of this project is that we want our customers to promote their place to the people of Cambodia and also around the world to see how beautiful Cambodia is . And as of now we can see that when people want to travel when they have a break with their work or study or something they just go to youtube , facebook , or Instagram to search for new places to travel because people right now they don’t want to go to the same place again and again. According to the interview my team gave to people in KIT, 70% of the interviewers said they want to travel to the new place if they will find the new place because that was more fun and a new experience better than the old place . And 30% of people said that sometimes they want to go to an old place because they want to review their memory and they feel more comfortable because they know that place is clear so it will be more safe for them.


 So after we interviewed some people in KIT we found out that we should make a service that can help people to find new travel places to make them more fun , get new experiences and create new memories with their friends , their family and lovely people. Moreover we want  to make sure that the place that we review is safe and comfortable to stay or to play there. Otherwise we also want our customer to promote to the people who want to travel to amazing places , comfortable and safe to people on social media. And as we do the research on the internet we found out that when the foreigner come to cambodia they do search on google which place to go and in this case we already create our own website to post the place that we reviewed so mean that we not only promote in cambodia to people who speak Khmer but we do promote to the world that they can search on the internet and they can find our customer’s place. Not the only websites twitter and youtube would be widely on the internet. 


What I want to add more NormDer is will be one of potential projects in cambodia right now since a lot of people really like to travel so they will need this kind of project to work on and share. One more thing the owners of such travel places and food shops nowadays need company which is to give them a quality product to the social media because social media is one of the potential places to grow their brand name.  

The benefit when we use the service and product with Paw Paw

  1. The benefit when we use the service and product with Paw Paw. When you buy a product from our shop we will provide the card member, so when you come to buy our product, you will get a discount from us on every product, and should buy the pet products from us ! Firstly, our product is suitable for pets and the product is also quality. This is because of our effort to find the food product from other countries, and we also test with their product before we import to our shop. And more importantly, we will give the special gift to the custom who alway get the service and buy products in Paw Paw shop, especially, we will provide free for the consultant with pets whenever you need us. Paw Paw is a shop that motivates the customers who always face problems, when their pets have problems with health, we have a consultant to help to motivate the owner of the pet. Besides this our shop also has the service to take care of your pets, whenever you are busy, Paw Paw always has a perfect service to take care of your pet during the time you complete the obligation.

 We have good skill set of staff, they learn how to take care the pet before they work here, and they all also are given the gift when they do good during working, this is how to motivate the staff in our shop, and all the customer do not worry that your pets have problem in our shop, we try our best to protect your pet like our children as well.Moreover, we also have a consultant who is professional from other country and the price also suitable for you guy to catch opportunity to get the service form our shop, we alway discuss with customers about their pets, and we find some necessary to protect their pets, when we find the pets have the problem, we convince owners to get a good service from us,  and we will give the good price to them, especially the customers who are our member, more importantly, we teach them how to get on well with their pet during they are with pets, this is some ways that people should get the service from us. The always responsible what we are done, and we support the owner of the pet, calm down, when getting service at our shop, we will do the perfect thing for the custom for their pet, we alway check everything carefully with pets, we never ignore to the pet, we try our best to the pet, and the pets are going to be comfortable during with us.Our perspective is to take care and love like the owner of the pet, people who work, they love pet like love their, they take care of pet like take care of their family. The customers always feed back to us, and admire us about the product and service in our shop, this is because we try our best to do our target in the future. Here are some ways that I convince people to use our service and buy the product from our shop.