How to manage your time

As human beings we have a limited amount of time every single day, which is 24 hours a day. We want to play games or learn new things, get good grades, help out our family members, go out with friends and focus on our hobbies. These are just the bare minimum of things that everyone is trying to do, and because of the fact that we have only 24 hours a day, there’s a saying that resonates with everyone which is “Time is money”.

Everyone wants to do many things, and the only way for that to happen is to manage time well enough to do it all. We can’t just have wishful thinking that we would be able to do all of these things somehow throughout our lives. There are different kinds of things to enjoy in different stages of life, if we miss out on it, then we can never get it back.

  1. Prioritize the most important tasks

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Let’s be honest, we have a lot of tasks which we think are equally important, but truthfully there are tasks that give you a more sense of relief after completion. If you are a student then school is your first priority, you have to finish your homework, review lessons and read. For example, you finished school and you got 3 homework assignments. The top and foremost priority is to make sure you complete all the given assignments. You might think that oh if I finish all my chores first, then I can start doing my homework. The thing you forgot about is that you also have limited energy aside from having limited time, you have to put the right amount of energy into doing your homework so you can get good grades and also learn throughout the process, once after you finish your school then you are mostly free for the rest of the day. It may make you feel like you are wasting a lot of time on just homework, but because you focus the right amount of energy and time for your homework, you didn’t have to review your lessons again since you have already understood it, which on the other hand gives you more time to focus on your other tasks.

  1. Get rid of distractions

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While doing tasks, we often get distracted by our environment such as games or television which we often tell ourselves that we’ll take a quick break and get back to our task as soon as possible, but those few minutes have already broken your concentration on the previous task. The best way to not get distracted is to get rid of distractions before you even interact with them.

  1. Stick to your schedules

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Once you have solidified your routine, make sure to stick to it like a schedule until it becomes a habit. When it has become a habit, you do the usual important things with ease and have more time for yourself to add new things to the list.

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