[Rewrite] How to Get Rid of Failure Fear

Source: https://ied.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/failure.png

“Learn from your mistakes.” You’ve most likely heard it in multiple articles, stories, and novels. You hear failure stories. You hear success stories. Everyone talks about how failure is the mother of all successes. Yet, you are still afraid of failure, as if failing will result in a black mark on your life’s report card. Does that mean we should stop trying?

Atychiphobia, or fear of failure, is the belief that you are not or will not be “good enough,” and that you will disappoint yourself or others in your life. Most people are put off by the thought of failing. The fear of failure, rather than the failure itself, generally stops us dead in our tracks. When we consider engaging in a goal or attempting to live the life of our desires, we imagine major failure, and it’s game over from there.

A healthy fear of failure, when kept in check, can be beneficial, leading us to better plan, focus, and prepare. When a failure fear spirals out of control, it can be frightening and depressing.

So if you are currently dealing with this problem, these 5 tips may be able to help:

1. Understand that it is okay to fail

Source: https://ychef.files.bbci.co.uk/976×549/p0cfb30c.jpg

Yes, failing is acceptable. “We learn from our mistakes,” as the phrase goes. Maintain awareness with your mind, eyes, and hearing. Fear is a strong motivator in life, and it signifies sorrow. We do more to avoid pain than we do to enjoy pleasure. We avoid taking risks in life because we associate massive amounts of pain with failure. That, however, is not the way to live.

While failure is difficult and can make us feel like a loser, it is an inescapable aspect of becoming successful. People can only succeed by failing first. It is a development platform. The biggest tragedy in life is proceeding with such caution that you miss out on the opportunity to live. The only way to obtain benefits is to take risks. There is almost no chance for profit when there is no danger. Consider what you did well, what you could do better, and what you should stop doing. That is one of the most basic strategies for determining how to learn from failure.

2. Consider failure as your teacher

Source: https://www.facebook.com/111387254025097/posts/failure-is-the-ladder-of-successwanna-be-successful-step-up/153833336447155/

Know that you will fail at some points in your life. Everyone fails. Every successful people we know failed, but the thing is they don’t give up. They take failures as a teacher that teach them important lessons in life and they learn from them.

Failure is the best teacher in life. We can only imagine big and push ourselves to accomplish our best when we stop being frightened of failure and embrace it. It is important to have a positive life since every event, good or bad, teaches us something. Failure honors our ambitions and focuses our priorities.

The significance of every failure is determined not by the failure itself, but by how we interpret it. We should be motivated to overcome our flaws. Each failure must be viewed as a learning opportunity. Our failures strengthen us and shape our character. Failure teaches us about our own talents and limitations.

3. Know that failure allows us to search for new ways to do things

Source: https://www.incimages.com/uploaded_files/image/1920×1080/getty_513024275_9706449704500177_66445.jpg

Thomas Edison is well-known for failing 10,000 times before inventing a commercially viable electric lightbulb. He, on the other hand, never gave up. In a 1921 interview, he highlighted his so-called failures. They weren’t failures in his eyes. They merely assisted him in figuring out new ways to accomplish things.

We can learn from Thomas that, every time we face failure, we can take that experience and tell ourselves that at least we had learned something. We’d learned the hard way that the item couldn’t be done that way and that we’d have to try something else. Do not be discouraged or depressed over something that we are doing. Look for other solutions if what we have done does not work.

4. Failure makes us humble

Source: https://reder.red/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Humble.jpg

Nothing seems to be able to stop you while you’re doing well in life. There are no words to accurately express the sensation of being on top of the world. Failure, on the other hand, hurts. It might be so painful at times that you believe you’ll never be successful again. Staying humble might assist to ease the overwhelming feelings of loss and failure. While you’re high on accomplishment, remember that you’re only human, and treat everyone with the same humility and respect that you expect in return. When you are modest, you are mentally prepared for failure.

5. Remember that the opponent of success is fear of failure.

Source: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/960/0*ZsrRTL3C0dLriScb.jpg

6. Attempt to FAIL

Source: https://www.leaderinme.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/AdobeStock_83041623-1.jpeg

Thinking about failing is one thing, but really committing to failing is quite another. Find a setting or circumstance where you have influence over the result, and commit to failing there. It may be a quiz for school or simply a gaming night with pals. Actively exposing oneself to failure is one of the finest ways to deal with it.

Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Sadhguru-Jaggi-Vasudev.jpg

Jagadish “Jaggi” Vasudev, often known by the honorific title Sadhguru, is an Indian yoga master and supporter of spirituality. He was born on September 3, 1957. Since 1982, he has been instructing yoga in the south of India. He also shared his knowledge regarding the fear of failure.

“Whatever situations arise in life, Sadhguru says, one can choose to use them and make himself stronger and better, or he can sit and cry. For one who sees his life as a stepping stone to a larger possibility, there is no such thing as failure.”


Watch his message on Youtube.

In conclusion, failure is not inherently hazardous; it is our fear of failure that prevents us from doing it. You overcome it, like all fears, by confronting it. When the dread of doing nothing outweighs the fear of doing it poorly, your genuine work begins. People who are afraid of failure may indulge in negative self-talk or lack self-confidence, making it harder to pursue goals.

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Author Profile

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Hello readers. My name is China. I am currently a year 2 student majoring in software engineering studying at Kirirom Institute of Technology. My goal is to become a successful full-stack developer.

[Rewrite]Purchase courses wisely in Udemy as Software Engineer students

Udemy is an E-learning platform which provides us with a variety of choices from multiple majors and from a lot of experts from that field. It gives us loads of opportunities to explore trending technologies. For me as from that department, I found out that it is an interesting platform as it helps me out with learning by providing an outline or process to master that particular subject. In comparing of Udemy and other platform, I discovered that Udemy is one of the best programme that ever existed since three are many instructors who instruct a single particular subject, they are an expert in their field because they work for famous tech companies such as FANNG or companies in Silicon Valley and around the world as well.

  1. Choose the subject wisely

Many students find it difficult to find a right subject for their major since it has so many choices to choose from such as web, mobile, AI, design and ect. For my suggestion, if you haven’t found the right subject for your major yet, you should find out more about the trending technology, job opportunity, occupation requirements and also your passion before buying courses. For that reason, it might be a waste of money or time consuming and it may also cause us to lose ourselves in that specific subject. In short, find your passion and pursue your dream to become what you love and are passionate about.

Image: https://www.udemy.com/courses/search/?src=ukw&q=Mobile+app+development

  1. Check out instructor’s reputation 

Since there are many instructors, choosing the right one might be a bit overwhelming, so by going over their rating and commenting on previous students might help you find out the best one for you. In that case, you should also pay consideration to those who rate your choice of instructor 2-3 star rating because they might give us warnings such as unclear explanations. 

Credit to : https://www.udemy.com/user/4b4368a3-b5c8-4529-aa65-2056ec31f37e/

  1. Check out course 

Correspondingly, courses are the main obstacle for students to decide similar to choosing instructors. In order to find the most suitable course, you ought to pay a visit to each course and find pros and cons by following these 3 guidelines I provide. Firstly, read the course description, requirements and what you will learn since it might not meet your expectations and much your level of understanding that you are likely to encounter some difficulties. Secondly, duration of the course also affects your performance as the short time might not cover much details. In short, the longer the duration the better it is because it will provide more detailed information to meet your expectation. Rating is also one of the points that you need to consider because previous students might leave rating and comments about the course for current students to decide and make decisions. Consequently, those comments contain both positive and negative. However, negative comments are what you should go for as it gives us some unsatisfactory feedback such as outdated courses, unsuggested code and unclear procedure.

credit to : https://www.udemy.com/course/ios-13-app-development-bootcamp/

Tip from me

As I have been using Udemy for almost 3 years, I would like to give you guys some tips that I have learnt from my past experience which I wish to turn over a new leaf. It might be possible to find the old version online for free on the internet. In this case, you want to make a try by downloading and try two to three sections of the course in order to make sure the teaching style is suitable for you before you consider buying the course. Moreover, you might consider buy it when it is on a discount since Udemy also has promotion, so it is worth it to wait until it discounts in order to save tons of money.

Fun, Safe and Inexpensive Ways to Pamper Your Dog

One of the pleasures of dog ownership is being able to spoil your pet with treats and exciting activities. Ever wondered about the best ways to pamper your dogs, but can’t afford a full spa day or a fancy foam dog bed? Thankfully, our dogs appreciate the love and care more than anything else, especially the attention from us, which is something money can’t buy. If you’re looking to give your canine companion some extra-special love and attention, here are some ways to safely spoil him/her.

  1. Delicious Homemade Treat

Prepare the dog a homemade meal instead of his/her typical commercial dog food. It won’t just be healthier for him/her; it will also cost less than store-bought dog food. Most homemade dog food recipes are simple to make and packed with all the nutrients your dog needs to thrive, so you can be confident that you’re giving them something savory and nourishing. Just make sure to stay away from ingredients that aren’t appropriate for dogs. If you also love cooking, why not get innovative in the kitchen and prepare a batch of homemade dog treats? Even if you probably don’t have the time to cook your furkid a delicious meal every day, they will still enjoy the occasional treat. Just like us, dogs feel the heat on a warm day. A frozen treat can help them cool off and is fun for them to eat. Knowing exactly what you’re putting into your dog’s body, they can be used as both a reward or for training purposes.

  1. Bath and Massage

Use the dog shampoo to wash them up and give them a fresh look and scent. Since dogs have a different pH than humans and our shampoos may be particularly drying our dog’s skin. It is important that you use a shampoo that has been specifically created for dogs rather than one that has been made for humans. Instead of just scrubbing them, rub them with soap in small, firm circles, because it’ll be nice and relaxing. If your dog enjoys cuddling, he/she probably enjoys massages as well which will help him/her relax and ease any sore muscles. Use gentle, sweeping motions to go over your dog’s body, being sure to stay away from any areas he/she dislikes being touched. Getting your dog comfortable to handle can make this easier to take care of his grooming needs, including teeth brushing and nail trimming.

  1. Supply Choices

Bring your dog to a pet supply shop and let him/her pick out a new toy. You can let your dog explore the aisle to examine all the options rather than guessing what he might like. To avoid boredom, it’s necessary to switch up your dog’s toys. So, adding a new one on Spoil Your Dog Day will be a delightful surprise. Help your dog look his/her best with some fancy swag with a new collar, trendy accessories, or a fun DIY design. A donut-shaped bed or one that is self-warm may be a smart option for your dog if it’s elderly, has joint pain, or has movement problems because these beds can ease body aches and improve sleep quality.

  1. New Tricks and Games

Most dogs like learning new tricks, and training them may be a fantastic way to boost their ego and stimulate their minds. Your dog’s favorite activities are probably hanging out with you as you play games or watch a movie, and with so many fantastic alternatives available, you can switch things up to make game sessions interesting and fun.

  1. Socialize Activities

The sights, sounds, and fragrances all offer cerebral and social stimulation. Take the dog for a special picnic in a local park so that he can socialize, have the opportunity to explore, and spend time with his/her favorite person. Take Your Dog Swimming; alternatively, if your dog isn’t interested in swimming or isn’t the right breed for it, set up a sprinkler in the backyard and chase your dog through the water. Something as simple as walking a new route could also lift a dog’s spirits.


How to Choose a Gift for a Friend.

Giving gifts is a great way to show gratitude to the loved ones you care about and to thank them for their presence in your life. It’s an honorable gesture, but it can be difficult to choose the perfect, unique, and thoughtful gift that your friends will love and find useful. But with a few tips below, you will learn how to choose the best gifts for your friend:

  1. Start generating ideas.

Start listing down your gift ideas. Think of what your friends like in terms of hobbies and interests, and start remembering and paying attention when they talk to you about what they want. On the order page, think about the gifts they give you, which may be what they want to have for themselves as well. Then narrow the list down to what sort of books, movies, or music they like. Consider what kind of gift you want to buy for your friends. Interesting gifts, sentimental gifts, experience gifts, etc.

2. Consider their personality

A gift that tells the personality of your friends is a gift they appreciate. Think about what you know about them: their interests and hobbies. If they are interested in music, products from their favorite artists will be a great gift. If they enjoy gardening, give it a gardening tool or a houseplant.  If they are interested in reading, books from their favorite author will be great.  If they love Disney, the collection of their belove princesses will be the best. The K-pop album will be great for a K-pop fan’s friend. Consider their personality when choosing a gift to give your friends the gifts they will love.

3. Add a personal touch

Nothing is unique than the feeling of receiving a personalized gift. It shows that you cared enough to get something made specifically for your beloved friends. Personalized gifts have a uniqueness that recipients will love. Surprise your friends with customized items at your gift shop near you! Give your creative ideas to the gift shop to customize the unique gift that no one have for your friends. The perfect gift doesn’t have to be expensive. You can go with some things that are meaningful.

4. Consider hand-making a gift

The best good gifts for your friends are the ones that you and your friends can relate to and have many meanings, or your best memories. Gifts made by your hands show your friends how much effort you have put into what you want to give them, and how special your friends are to you. Think of a gift that symbolizes your friendship. The gift can be simple such as a friendship bracelet, necklace, or scrapbook with all you and your friend’s photos that will be a great gift that brings back the memories together. Those are thoughtfulness and meaningful gift which mean more than expensive gifts. 

One last thing that you should add with the gift for your friend is a letter that shows them how much you apricate them as your friend. Pairing your gift with a meaningful letter will make it becomes worth the gift ever. Don’t make it too long it will come off as sappy or insincere, less is more.

[Rewrite] What is called a successful project?

Everyone has high expectations for the project when work on it first starts. Every attempt is made to finish it as successfully as possible. At times, you could accomplish your project’s objectives, but you might fall short on other criteria for a sense of accomplishment. And, of course, a question may arise: What are the criteria for determining whether a project is successful?

To achieve all these requirements, the project should be worked on carefully from the very beginning. In particular, in order to determine whether it is a successful project or not, we should focus on the following point.

1. On time

Every time we meet with the clients to discuss the project at the beginning of the project, we keep in mind that time is money. We always agree on a project completion date with the stakeholder. Therefore, a timeline, or the amount of time needed to finish the project, is always established before we begin. Stakeholders frequently see a project as successful if the deliverables are produced by the project team within the specified time frame. The project’s overall budget and the availability of resources are just two of the success criteria that the time frame might influence.


2. Within Budget

This component assesses the project’s overall cost in relation to the projected budget that the project’s stakeholders established at the outset. We constantly consider what we can do with the money that the stakeholders offer before we begin a project. As project managers, we must think about the most efficient way to spend the budget to complete the project. The management may make sure a project meets the success criterion while it is being worked on by regularly assessing the costs of each staffing, resource, and other expense to make sure they are within budget. If we spend more money than we had planned, To demonstrate to stakeholders how they successfully handled the budget, we may document such increases and highlight them for future consideration.


3. Meeting requirement

Meeting criteria is a key component to the success of many projects. Every time we complete a product or outcome, we always hope that our stakeholders will give us great feedback or that we will be given another project by the same customer. However, for this to take place, Usually, the project manager collaborates with stakeholders to set the project’s scope. Stakeholders usually evaluate the project’s outcomes at the end of the project to decide if it met its objectives.If such is the case, this component can serve as a good measurement of success since it demonstrates to stakeholders that the team was effectively managed by the project manager to produce results that either met or exceeded the project’s criteria. When the scope requirement for success is met, the team has successfully completed the project’s goals.

4. Outcome

The final product or outcome quality is measured by this success factor. When we complete every project we develop, this occurs. It refers to how we convey to our stakeholders the quality of our product. Therefore, we must demonstrate the value of the product to the customer. To demonstrate, it may depend on whether users or consumers find it simple to utilize the product’s capabilities. By doing this, the project manager may carry out product testing for quality assurance and make any necessary revisions before going on to the next stage. By assessing quality at each stage of the project, the project manager can make sure they are fulfilling the demands for deliverables.

5. Sustainable Team

In the real world, clients don’t care about your motivation, team member learning or not, but as a good leader. At the end of the day, we will deliver a project that is great and successful. However, your members are worn out and lacking in enthusiasm. So your team has decided not to continue working on that project. As a result, as the project manager, you must put together a team that is committed, happy with the team, and eager to work on other projects. Even if we confront challenges, we will overcome them together, and if we succeed, we will succeed together. Consequently, team members are motivated to work together on a project. Our project will provide a lot of value and higher quality. Therefore, a successful project also requires a strong team.


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Acknowledgement: This is an acknowledgment to the people who help make this rewritten article possible:

Author Profile

I’m Chamroeun. Currently I am a second-year student majoring in software engineering at Kirirom Institute of Technology. I’m seeking an internship that will allow me to develop and push myself in a working environment, particularly to obtain new experience. I enjoy challenging myself and being innovative.

[Rewrite]How to succeed in Apex Legend as a pro?


  • What is Apex Legend?
    • Apex Legend is one of the most popular games in the current era. It was released on February 4, 2019, by Electronic Arts.
  • How to play Apex Legend?
    • The game’s objective is to have the last team standing. You will first be on board a drop-ship flying above the Apex Legends region. Your team’s goal is to defeat rival squads and collect loot (weapons, armor, etc.) after selecting a landing spot. On the other hand, Apex Legends could appear confusing if you’ve never played a battle royale game before.
    • You won’t have much luck playing Apex Legends alone against several three-person groups because it is a very team-oriented game. To the greatest extent feasible, stay with your comrades. Pick up non-weapons goods, including body shields, helmets, healing supplies (such as shield cells and syringes), and utility items as you’re looting (frag grenades, thermite, etc.). Your survival inside and outside of combat will depend on these items. In Apex Legends, your teammates can revive you if you’re dead, so don’t worry. Picking up your tag and bringing it to a Respawn Beacon is all required. However, since you won’t have your possessions with you when you respawn, be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to loot. Learning to cooperate with your teammates is the most crucial component of Apex Legends. Even though some of your teammates may not have microphones, the game has an incredible ping system that lets you speak with them. Anyone starting in Apex Legends must learn how to work well in a team.
  • The key point to becoming a pro Apex legend:
    • great start and a solid landing
      • It’s crucial to master effective dropping techniques in Apex Legends. If you arrive in a heated zone, you must defeat your rivals to plunder. For the optimal landing strategy, refer to our comprehensive landing guide.
    • Play forcefully
      • APEX rewards players that are combative. Instead of getting caught in a cycle of bursting out of cover, spraying, then hiding once again to reload and heal, practice narrowing the distance between you and the adversary while fighting. With our top firearms and weapon stats guide, you can learn which tools are ideal for the task.
    • Keeping an eye on the wounded
      • Most players will press hard if they land a solid blow on an opponent. Do all you can to preserve your presence and prevent the adversary from pushing you if you take a lot of damage. Breaking an enemy’s shields might sometimes be enough to stop their advance and rescue your squad, so it’s essential to keep battling even if you get knocked down. Use our health and healing item guide to better understand which healing items to prioritize in various scenarios if you need to heal.
    • Carefully flank
      • Broad flanks are dangerous yet effective as long as you have adequate space and cover so the opponent can’t pounce on one of you while you’re divided. If you decide to side, keep an open line of sight with your friends.
    • Discover how to forage and hunt
      • Snowballing from a strong early start in Apex is the secret to winning matches. After your first plundering, play aggressively, score some kills to increase your confidence, and then swiftly move on. In particular, Olympus is an excellent map for exploring and searching, but you must have a good knowledge of the most well-liked spots and rotation possibilities on any map.
    • Positioning matters in battle.
      • A good viewpoint on your adversary, a variety of safe cover alternatives, and a “fall back and heal” path are all excellent posture. You are not in the best position if any of these are lacking. This study is the task of the team-repositioning legends Ash, Valkyrie, Horizon, Octane, Pathfinder, and Wraith.
    • In a conflict, positioning is crucial.
      • Several safe cover options, a “fall back and heal” approach, and an excellent vantage point on your opponent are examples of good posture. If any of these are missing, you are not in the ideal situation. The legends of the team repositioning Ash, Valkyrie, Horizon, Octane, Pathfinder, and Wraith are tasked with conducting this investigation.
    • an essential accessory for becoming a pro:
      • Mouse with the high DPI sound 8000 or high
      • Keyboard not required (any smooth keyboard)
      • Laptop or PC with a high GPU (RTX 3060 4-6GB or high)
      • Laptop or PC with the high refresh rate minimum 144Hz-360Hz
      • Laptop or PC with the high-resolution minimum FHD-4K
      • If you use a laptop, make sure you have a great cooler
  • How to make gameplay easy to view maps and things?
    • Display Mode – Full Screen
    • Aspect Ratio – Native monitor resolution (probably 16:9, 1080p)
    • Resolution – Native monitor resolution.
    • Field of View – Personal preference
    • Color Blind Mode – Personal preference
    • V-Sync – Disabled
    • Adaptive Resolution FPS Target – Set to 0
    • Adaptive Supersampling – Greyed out
    • Anti-Aliasing – Off
    • Texture Streaming Budget – Medium or lower
    • Texture Filtering – Anisotropic 2X
    • Ambient Occlusion Quality – Medium or lower
    • Sun Shadow Coverage – Low
    • Sun Shadow Detail – Low
    • Spot Shadow Detail – Low
    • Volumetric Lighting – Disabled
    • Dynamic Spot Shadows – Disabled
    • Model Detail – Medium or lower
    • Effects Detail – Medium or lower
    • Impact Marks – Medium or lower
    • Ragdolls – Medium or lower
  • Other relating articles :

Author’s Profile

Kimhour here. I’m a second-year software engineering major at Kirirom Institute of Technology right now. I’m looking for an internship that will let me grow and challenge myself in a professional setting, especially to gain new experience. I like to push myself and think beyond the box.

[Rewrite]How to Learn Online Effectively?

Nowadays, we are living and adapting our life with covid19 virus. Some schools might open for students to study physically but some schools might not and we are still studying online. However, this does not mean that we stop learning. Instead, we need to study harder than ever before. Many students are struggling with online studies and have no idea how to study productively. Normally, they get distracted by the phone, social media, game and other forms of distractions. There are  many problems for in terms of technology, internet connection, and so on. And it is very difficult to understand the lessons taught by the lecturer through online classes.

Here are some tips to overcome those problems?

Treat an online class as if it were a regular class

Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/search?filters%5Bcontent_type%3Aphoto%5D=1&filters%5Bcontent_type%3Aillustration%5D=1&filters%5Bcontent_type%3Azip_vector%5D=1&filters%5Bcontent_type%3Avideo%5D=1&filters%5Bcontent_type%3Atemplate%5D=1&filters%5Bcontent_type%3A3d%5D=1&filters%5Bcontent_type%3Aimage%5D=1&k=online+class&order=relevance&safe_search=1&limit=100&search_page=1&search_type=usertyped&acp=&aco=online+class&get_facets=0&asset_id=330506467

That is, whatever you did in physical class, please repeat in virtual class. In a real class, for example, you shower before going to class, dress appropriately, and arrive on time. If we participate in an online class without taking a shower or wearing appropriate clothing, it will distract us by making us feel bored, uneasy, and unable to connect with the lecturer’s lessons. Furthermore, we must arrive on time for class, not just join but turn off the camera and go back to bed, or leave class without permission from the lecturer. That is inappropriate classroom behavior. Remember that we must follow rules and behave properly not only in class but also outside of class.

Avoid all the Distraction

Credit: https://www.smartcaptech.com/driving-distracted-link-fatigue-losing-concentration-road/

This is a problem that most online students, including myself, face. Without a professor watching your back or classmates sitting next to you, it’s easy to become distracted by social media, notifications from Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, video games, or other things you would rather be doing than studying. Having a dedicated study area is beneficial, but you can also use apps like Freedom to block digital distractions. Use the Pomodoro technique to force yourself to study if you are having trouble focusing on one assignment. Set a timer for 25 minutes, work on only one task for that time, and then take a short break before repeating the process until your work is completed. These are some of the techniques I employ in my online class on a daily basis.

Take note

Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=%22take+note%22&asset_id=244152058

Without in-person instruction, most students tend to forget to take notes. They believe that all the knowledge is accessible online, so when it’s time to complete their homework or prepare for an exam, they can just consult it. Despite the fact that having access to all of the class materials online can be useful for reviewing information, we should still take notes. The main advantage of taking notes is that it encourages us to interact with the information and express it in our own words. This improves our retention and comprehension. Oh my, I just remembered. The fact that the online lesson is recorded is by far its biggest advantage over traditional classes. As a result, after class, if we have any questions or are unclear about something, we can go over it again to make it clearer and more understandable. I recommend that you all watch the tutorial video again after class, as this is a good technique for helping you remember and understand the lesson.

About The Author

I am a software engineering student who is struggling in online learning and have figure out how to solve those kind of problems. All the written articles are part of my experience about it and wanted to share with other readers.

Credit: https://clouddevs.com/3dbay/image/boy-doing-online-study-using-laptop

8 Steps to Get Through the Airport for First Time.

  1. Buy the ticket in advance

We can book or buy either online or through your airline. It would save a lot of time from waiting and buying the ticket at the airport. If the online ticket purchase gives us the option to print out our boarding pass, this is recommended, especially if we are not checking bags. It is advised to print out our boarding pass if we have the opportunity to do so during the online ticket buying process, especially if you are not checking bags.

  1. Packing right before getting to the airport

To avoid from making confusion when picking up your bags, make your bag easily recognizable by adding a tag or a ribbon on your bags, or you should use a colorful or distinctive bag. If your backpack ends up looking identical to someone else’s, choosing the unique color of the bag would help you avoid confusion and save time.

  1. Getting to the airport

We have to arrive at the airport 2 to 3 hours before your flight’s scheduled departure time.

  1. Check-in

Once we reach the airport, We have to check-in at the check-in counter. We can find the check-in counter for our airline. This information should be pointed out by any signs outside the terminal building on the departure roadway, along with their emblems on the wall and above the counters, which should identify these. Get in line and wait until we are requested to go forward before getting in line. Remember that we might only be allowed to bring one piece of luggage and one smaller carry-on. Keep your ID handy.

  1. Security Checks

We have to show our ID when they asked to do. The security will check our luggage, so we have to place your luggage in the nook at the counter and follow the rule. The agent will tag it and direct us to move it over to a scanner or to put it on the conveyor belt behind the counter or we can tell them not to check if we have nothing to check. In either case, they will then hand us your boarding pass unless we printed it online. If we have no bags to check and have already checked in online, we can skip this step entirely.

  1. Immigration and customs

Make your way to the security checkpoint assigned to our departure gate.

Once the security guard has verified your ID and boarding pass, they will send us on your way (make sure you have a proper ID, keeping in mind that this varies depending on your state)

  1. Waiting Area

Then we will be in the secure boarding area. Gate numbers are indicators of areas where we will board the plane. It may be provided by the airline representative or it might be pointed out on our boarding pass or we can check the departure monitors in the vicinity. Find our gate, which will be marked with signs with numbers.

  1. Departure

Then we will wait for the gate agents to announce boarding and give us instructions. After the announcement, We will offer them our boarding card as we reach the jetway, and they will scan it before giving it back to us. Then Find your assigned seat and that’s all.

|Rewrite| How to Prevent yourself from Procrastination

When it comes to working, I think the majority of people have often behaved in procrastination, and in some cases, it may have even been a habit. I believe that  everyone wants to stop having this terrible habit since it is harmful to our productivity. So now I would like to share some tips on how to avoid it based on my own experience.

1. List down all the tasks and break it into the small one

The fact that the task is too difficult to do and that we might believe it will take a lot of time to finish is one of the key reasons why we all keep wasting time by engaging in unreasonable activities prior to working. To resolve this problem, we might divide all of those large tasks into smaller ones so that we can finish them quickly and without feeling under a lot of strain like when we complete it all at once. According to scientific studies, when we complete a task or reach a goal, our brain releases a hormone known as “dopamine.” . Dopamine is a type of hormone which helps us improve our memory, attention and motivation. So there is no doubt that when we complete a small task, we will gain our motivation and work harder for the upcoming task.

2. Choosing the right environment

Although everyone has a different type of workplace environment, you should be aware of which one best suits yours. A good location also helps you increase your productivity. Some people find it easier to focus when they are in a peaceful environment or in their own rooms, but others simply feel happier working somewhere else, like a coffee shop..

3. Minimize Distraction

An excellent practice is to keep things that impede productivity out of the way while you are working. Personally, I don’t like to have my phone close by when I’m working since I fear I might get some useless notifications that would distract me from my work. After checking my phone, I fear wasting time by mindlessly scrolling around social media, which will prevent me from finishing my work.

4. Set Deadline

Consider setting your own deadlines for each of your responsibilities. It is all about having self control. You may put some pressure on yourself, but that is fine since it is a good pressure. Setting a suitable deadline is not very easy, so you must be aware of your abilities, the amount of time you have available, and the number of jobs you need to finish. We need the correct amount of time before the deadline—not too much nor too little—because if we have a lot of time to finish it all, we’ll keep putting it off. At the same time, we don’t want it to be too short because that will put too much pressure on us to finish that particular task and it may give us trouble finishing.

All in all, our ability to prevent procrastination depends on our level of self-discipline. By using the advice I provided above, I hope you may successfully avoid procrastination and increase your productivity at work.

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Acknowledgements :

This appreciation is for those who help recommend new ideas for improving the content of the article :

  • Contributor’s Social Media : Hang Chanthavy from Login
  • Contributor’s Website : LogIn

Author’s Profile

I am a sophomore at Kirirom Institute of Technology and have a strong interest in developing websites and mobile applications.

My Journey on Building Self Esteem

I frequently stressed myself with these phrases, “I am not good enough” and “I am incompetent”. The feeling of continuously having fear to express myself because I believe I am inadequate. This is the struggle I have been battling for years. I was constantly battling against this negative mindset I had on myself because it was undoubtedly harmful to my personal growth as a person. The unhealthy self-destructive beliefs led me to reconsider and redefine who I am by not being influenced by the negative energy but staying grounded. What made me come out of my shell to slowly recognize my worth and value?

I grew up having low self-esteem, therefore, I lose many opportunities so I have patiently trained myself to escape this destructive self-belief. I used so many ‘likes’ when I did presentations because I was nervous and afraid of people judging me on how I speak, act, and present. First and foremost, I acknowledge where I need to change because by running aways from it everything will only get worse. Secondly, I started to get out of my comfort zone, I began to challenge myself and define my passion simultaneously. I discovered acting is my favorite hobby and I always think about people judging me so I combined these two together. I started to participate in acting and filming classes. I had put in the effort to practice for months and started to present on stage with my friends for hundreds of audience. I began to see my capabilities and values and was not afraid to show them because I received many unexpected compliments and positive feedback. 

This doesn’t mean I am not nervous, I still am but I often reminded myself I can do it.  In addition, when it is the time for me to train for frisbee, running or soccer, I hesitate and reluctantly don’t want to participate unless my friends are joining as well. I was afraid of people saying I am too masculine, not good enough, or not performing well. I began to think and tell myself if I keep stepping out of training and not proving my abilities, I won’t be able to compete overseas. I surrounded myself with people that are committed and believe in what they do. They inspired me to no longer hesitate and rinse out the fear of what people think because no one is perfect. Thus, they constantly encouraged me during training and taught me not to mind what people think because what matters is I have put in the hard work. The insecurities and low self-esteem had me miss out on many opportunities. In contrast, I have handled it so well by not being afraid to pick up my flaws and build myself up from there. I was given the chance to perform many plays on stage, make films, and have my own sports team to compete in several countries overseas. I was completely shocked when my friend once told me that I am an assertive presenter, performer, and good frisbee player; however, I am so happy for myself hearing those compliments.

Who would have thought I have come this far because I used to be so strict with myself (focusing on the negative things and not accepting compliments) to the point I was losing it. After figuring out my weaknesses and starting to surround myself with the right people, I have gained so much confidence. Even so, this doesn’t mean I completely have high self-esteem. This is just a small part of me, I am still learning from myself. Moving forward, if I have to deal with it I would give myself moments to go through everything on what I can improve. I have to understand high self-esteem won’t come to me in a day, it needs my commitment and patience. 

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