Preah Theat Teuk Chhar  / A Historic Attraction in Kampong Cham

A collection of temples known as Preah Theat Teuk Chhar can be found in the Prey Chhor district’s Thmor Da, Beung Nay, and Thmei villages. Kampong Cham provincial center is about 39 kilometers away. Preah Theat Teuk Chhar is accessible from Kampong Cham via National Road 7. From there, travelers may go 13 kilometers on the provincial road before turning right once more and traveling an additional 5 kilometers down a canal trail to the temple site. A.D. 1005, under the reign of King Suryavarman I, saw the construction of the temples.

The King consented to construct these temples as suggested by the King’s advisor Chung Chheal (also known as Chekngak Khealleah or Leaksintra), and Leaksintra began work on the Sithi Borya site, which the King controlled and also provided funds to Leaksintra, on the other hand, using his sales skills to persuade the locals to make financial contributions as well, at least until the project was completed.

In addition to providing decorations for the temple, he had ponds constructed and a sizable court created for festival celebrations. In recognition of the website’s creator, Leaksintra, he gave it the moniker Leaksintrabot. The location later evolved into a center of worship. The faiths that followed shifted from one ruler to the next. While some rulers followed Mahayana Buddhism, others followed Brahmanism. Others were Theravada Buddhists, which explains why Preah Theat Teuk Chhar is home to so many little temples. There are a total of 551 tiny temples that are inspired by both Buddhism and Brahmanism. Heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country are commemorated by monuments at a few of the temples.


An old canal was dug next to the Preah Theat Teuk Chhar temples. The canal is always filled with water, and because it is so clean and free-flowing, many visitors like to take baths in it. There used to be a lot of vegetation on both sides of the canal, but it was cleared away to create a large plain where the water now runs next to the main temple.

The water that fills the canal travels south from the province of Kampong Cham, through the temple, and into the large slit. For many years, this slit has been filled with water that has been used to irrigate the rice fields of adjacent villages, including Kroch village in Prey Chhor district. In order to supply thousands of hectares of rice fields in Prey Chhor district, Kampong Cham province, and Baray district, Kampong Thom province, with water due to the canal’s age, the Ministry of Agriculture constructed a dam. Teuk Chha has a surface area of 3 square kilometers.


The water that fills the canal travels south from the province of Kampong Cham, through the temple, and into the large slit. For many years, this slit has been filled with water that has been used to irrigate the rice fields of adjacent villages, including Kroch village in Prey Chhor district. In order to supply thousands of hectares of rice fields in Prey Chhor district, Kampong Cham province, and Baray district, Kampong Thom province, with water due to the canal’s age, the Ministry of Agriculture constructed a dam. Teuk Chha has a surface area of 3 square kilometers.

From the province of Kampong Cham, the water that fills the canal flows southward through the temple and into the wide slit. This slit has been used to irrigate the rice fields of neighboring villages, notably Kroch village in Prey Chhor district, for a long time. Due to the age of the canal, the Ministry of Agriculture built a dam to provide water to hundreds of hectares of rice fields in Prey Chhor district, Kampong Cham province, and Baray district, Kampong Thom province. Teuk Chha has a 3 km2 area on its surface.

Only during the rainy season  water from the north channel flows since during the dry season the water level is lower than the dam. People can swim in the Teuk Chhar canal because it is inclined like a carpenter’s tool. Visitors may observe schools of tiny fish swimming against the current because the water is clean. Additionally, the trees that surround the canal bank host a variety of birds and offer tourists shade and shelter. The old temple is surrounded by large trees, water, and a mild atmosphere, which attracts both visitors and residents who like vacationing there. You should go to visit this area on your holidays.

4 Recommended Accommodations in Kirirom Mountain

In this technology era, people tend to be surrounded by digital devices and forget about spending time with nature, sightseeing as well as the green environment. When it comes to nature, we might think of many natural places such as Kirirom Mountain, Bokor Mountain, Phnom Kulen and so on. In this article, I will be talking about Kirirom Mountain. Isolate yourself from the modern world and surround yourself with pine trees and cool air. Most people go to Kirirom National Park only one day and back home as it takes only 3 to 4 hours to drive from Phnom Penh. If you want to stay from 2 to 3 days, Do you know where to stay?

Credit: ROS Sereyvann

Here is 4 accommodations to stay in Kirirom National Park:

Pipe Room

Pipe room is designed for a single person or two people to stay with pipe architecture. The rooms are surrounded with tons of trees. Pipe room offers a comfy bed, faster WIFI, toiletries and free breakfast. Since the room is small, people staying there need to share the bathroom with others. There is also a firework in the middle of the place too. The view at night is breathtaking with many colorful lights. It takes around 10 minutes to walk from Pine View Restaurant.

Credit: ROS Sereyvann

Khmer Cottage

Khmer cottage is suitable for those who want to experience Cambodian culture, traditional Cambodian home. You can stay there with 1 to 2 people per cottage. They offer free WIFI, breakfast and toiletries. Khmer home architecture does not have any bathroom inside so staying in Khmer Cottage, you need to share a bathroom with others, same as pipe room too. Additionally, they also have a mosquito net to protect you from insects. We do not use an air conditioner but a fan instead. It is located on the mountain surrounded by nature therefore it is cold and some people might not need a fan.

Credit: ROS Sereyvann

Capsule Villa

Capsule villa is a two floor villa suitable for big family, friends or co-workers due to its enormous place with many bedrooms and built-in kitchen. It is good for people around 15 to 20. There is a massive space in front of the room, for you to enjoy barbeque or partying. You get free WIFI, breakfast and toiletries. You can cook inside rather than eating outside. If you come with a big amount of people, consider Capsule Villa.

Credit: ROS Sereyvann


Bungalows are the most fancy accommodation out of all the others. It reserves for 1 to 2 people with free breakfast. They offer free WIFI with fast internet connection, toiletries, TV, Sofa and comfortable bed to comfort yourself from walking or sightseeing. There is also a bathtub inside the bathroom too. It is near a swimming pool and restaurant. There is also a large balcony with astonishing views of pine trees and natural environment.

Credit: ROS Sereyvann

For more information, You can visit or vKirirom Pine Resort Facebook Page.

[Rewrite] 3 Key Advantages of Blockchain Technology in the Financial Sector

For hundreds of years, economists have studied how people behave, including how we make decisions, act both alone and with others, and how we trade value. They have researched the organizations that support commerce, such as businesses, legal systems, and markets. But there is a brand-new technological advancement called the blockchain that will radically alter how we trade money.

Blockchain has the potential to cut infrastructure costs for banks by 30%. Additionally, implementing blockchain can help financial companies save up to $12 billion annually. Blockchain is one of the safest and most secure information-recording and financial mechanisms today.

Since I can remember, I have always been interested by the architecture and underlying technology of blockchain. The three key benefits of blockchain technology in the financial sector are listed below.

1. Decentralization

Since, blockchain is a decentralized data structure that holds transactional records and while ensuring security and transparency, it has become a core technology use to build DEFI projects.

Decentralized finance (DEFI) uses smart contracts on a blockchain to provide financial instruments without relying on middlemen like brokerages, exchanges, or banks. DeFi systems let users lend or borrow money from others, trade cryptocurrencies, as a method of financing or investment, purchase and sell assets and financial services, insure against risks, speculate on asset price fluctuations via derivatives, and earn interest in savings-like accounts.

Security is another crucial element. Users protect their own assets on DeFi systems by using access keys and authentication to log in to apps. Users risk losing all of their assets if their personal information is taken because no one can provide or restate it.

2. Increase Efficiency

Blockchain has the power to alter the financial landscape. A distributed ledger can speed up payment processing, reduce the need for time-consuming administrative tasks, enhance data quality, and safeguard personal information against breaches.

Blockchain may hold documentation and transaction information together, doing away with the necessity for paper exchange. Additionally, since multiple ledger reconciliation is not required, clearing and settlement may happen considerably more quickly.

3. Automated Transaction

The need of middlemen to enforce contracts, validate transactions, or do background checks is no longer necessary thanks to blockchain technology and smart contracts. Smart contract is a set of rules that can be stored on the blockchain network. This indicates that BPM software can handle new technologies integrated into business processes and automate business operations to a greater extent.

It lessens the need for human intervention and relies less on outside parties to confirm that a contract’s provisions have been followed. Whenever the terms are confirmed, the transaction will be carried out automatically.

Many investors see blockchain in a broad sense as universal ledger technology that will be essential for banks to unleash future efficiency.
Top banking and financial institutions like JP Morgan, US Bancorp, Signature Bank, and others are already integrating this technology into their banking systems thanks to all of these benefits.

To conclude, as a software engineering student, I firmly think that it is essential to continue studying and conducting research in cutting-edge technology in order to stay up with emerging technical issues and avoid falling behind.


5 Street Foods You Must Try Once Visit Cambodia

1. Bay Srob

Bay Srob, often referred to as Bay Sach Jrouk, is typically served as breakfast food. It consists of rice, cooked pork, and eggs, and comes from a variety of sellers. Per box, it costs between 4000–6000 riels ($1–$1.5). Due to its affordability, speed, and deliciousness, it is most frequently served as breakfast to workers and students. In Phnom Penh, we may locate it anywhere along the street, but they are most frequently spotted near markets and schools.

2. Meat Skewer

After a long day of laborious work, people from various sectors, especially students, like serving meat skewers in the evening. The meat used to prepare this cuisine is often beef, occasionally pork or chicken, but beef is the most popular choice. The meat is sliced into small pieces and skewered by the seller using their own sauce to enhance the flavor. It cost between 1000 and 2000 riels (0.25 and 0.50 dollars) per skew. The sellers usually sells this type of food next to high school or institute and some have their own business house.

3. Fried Banana

In Khmer we called it as Jek Jean. Actually it is a type of snack which people serve it after lunch. The uniqueness of Fried Banana is its crunchy. The combination of crunching and sweety of banana make us want to bite those snack more and more. It cost around 1000 riels to 1500 riels (0.25$ – 0.38 $ ). It quite a bit hard to find a place that sell this type of snack but there is still some business house which mainly focus on Fried Banana in Phnom Penh.

4. Numpang Patte

The maker of Numpang Patte uses bread and combines it with various ingredients, including patte, sauce, butter, and vegetables. This can be found practically everywhere in Phnom Penh, and certain local brands, like Bread Express, specialize in producing several types of Numpang Patte. It cost between 3000 and 6000 riels, or 0.75 and 1.5 dollars. Although this cuisine has a Vietnamese influence, we may have our own special ingredients in Cambodia that give it a distinctive flavor. The combination of Patte and Numpang is insufficient, therefore vendors come up with a clever concept and decides to substitute another type of meat for Patte to offer their customers a unique flavor like you can see in the below picture.

5. Fried Meatball

This one is the most popular for all type of students and also some workers too. To make the meatball taste better, each seller has their own secret of making sauce when serving with the meatball. Usually it cost around 12000 riels to 24000 riels ( 3$ – 6$ ) depend on number of meatball you order. I think it is not quite expensive with this price and at this price we can enjoy it with around 2 or 3 people. Personally I really like this type of food when I was in high school and I highly recommend this one once you visit Cambodia.

[Rewrite] Telecommunications in Cambodia

Nowadays, one of the most fundamental needs in everyone’s existence is communication. To communicate our thoughts and desires to others, we must interact and engage in conversation. We occasionally live far apart, though. How do we reach them and convey our voice and message? In the past, we had to use the postman or a bird to communicate with those who lived far away from us. But as technology advances daily, we no longer see this. Communication in the current world has been considerably easier and less expensive because of the widespread usage of the internet and various gadgets such as phones, laptops, desktop computers, and tablets. However, before utilizing all of these resources, we must first identify a provider of the service so that we may use the internet and obtain a phone number to make a direct call to another person. Most Cambodians always rely on the services of two telecommunications in that country. Since my phone can access two SIM cards, I use both of their services, and I can confirm from personal experience that they are both excellent. Some of their features are comparable, while others are completely different. We shall learn more about each of their services as well as my personal experience with them below.

  1. Cellcard

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The longest-running telecommunications company in Cambodia, CamGSM Co. Ltd., has been in business for more than 20 years. One of the country’s oldest services, it offers a wide range of services to many people. The company introduced 3G and a number of Value Added Services (VAS) in 2005. The following year, a platform for credit sharing was introduced. The nationwide 4G LTE roll-out, which increased the number of sites from 300 to 3000 in 2017, was bold and aggressive. Cellcard’s client base has grown by 14% as a result, while the network’s mobile data traffic has soared by almost 500%. At the end of September 2018, Cellcard began conducting 5G trials with the intention of launching the first services in Cambodia in Q2 of 2019. 5G use cases being explored include: Big Data, E-Sim, Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence, Large-scale Augmented and Virtual Reality. Personally, I was genuinely amazed by the service’s internet speed when I utilized it for the first time. I used to download a large document and a few programs, but I just needed 5 or 6 minutes to finish it. Another surprise is that I use their data to accomplish a lot of things online, like watching high-quality movies, doing research, playing games online, and more—all for a very small fee. I can say that using their service is highly worthwhile, especially for software engineers like me who constantly do research. Cellcard will be among the greatest services I’ve ever used. They also frequently have events where we may participate and win a reward just for using their service or receive a significant promotion from them. Furthermore, while using this service, we receive a voucher that we may use to make a purchase at a Cellcard-affiliated physical store or online.

2. Smart


Smart Axiata Co., Ltd. is also one of the top mobile phone service providers in Cambodia. There are currently 8 million users of their service. This number of clients is enormous. It is equivalent to almost 50% of the Cambodian population. What motivates a large number of customers, including me, to utilize their service? Of course, the service is excellent. It was the first network to provide 4G LTE, a tremendously fast internet connection, to Cambodia in 2014, 4G+ in 2016, 4G+ with HD Voice (VoLTE), and cutting-edge 4.5G in 2017, demonstrating its position as the country’s data leader. Smart held the first 5G live trial presentation in Cambodia in the middle of 2019. Additionally, Smart offers mobile services via 2G, 2.5G, 3G, and 3.75G networks in addition to global roaming in more than 190 nations. More than 98 percent of Cambodians are covered by its large countrywide network. This is what I truly appreciate about it, and also the reason I want to introduce their service since the majority of us consistently have network connection issues. Additionally, in an effort to make the transition to a digital lifestyle easier, this company is quickly enhancing its products. It has provided a number of innovative products and entertainment and lifestyle value propositions. Smart also has several agreements with well-known brands. They have partnerships with Apple, Facebook, Universal Music, Smart Insurance, SmartPay, Pleng by Smart, and Pi Pay, among other digital services. All of these things are crucial to our daily lives, and they are all readily accessible if we utilize smart services. Pleng by Smart is one of the programs I use on a regular basis. I use this application to listen to a lot of tunes. It ends with a song that is well-known both inside and outside of Cambodia. Additionally, a lot of well-known Cambodian idols are allowed to post their songs to the platform.

In conclusion, I genuinely like both of their services. And I continue to use both services because I am unable to pick between them since they both have benefits that I must take advantage of, not just in terms of internet speed but also in terms of several other features that may be quite helpful to me and other Cambodians.

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This appreciation is for those who help recommend new ideas for improving the content of the article.

Author Profile

I’m Chamroeun. Currently I am a second-year student majoring in software engineering at Kirirom Institute of Technology. I’m seeking an internship that will allow me to develop and push myself in a working environment, particularly to obtain new experience. I enjoy challenging myself and being innovative.

[Rewrite]Top 5 Best Bus Company in Cambodia

Cambodia is one of the fastest growing countries especially in the tourism industry, as it has many resorts and many tourist attractions. Before we can go to our desired destination, we have to spend a very long time on the transportation, so choosing the wrong bus company might ruin the experience of the trip completely. So I have 5 bus company that can prevent you from this nightmare from happenin

  1. City bus

Operated by the government in 2014 and has 11 lines running around Phnom Penh City every 10 to 30 minute. The seat and the whole van are completely clean and modern, and accommodated by the fresh and cool air conditioner can make your journey around Phnom Penh become an unforgettable one. The ticket is affordable for local people such as students, teachers and public workers. It would cost you only 1500 riels per person to ride on the bus for the route that the bus is riding on. Where can you find anything as cheap as this? Grab your backpack and hop on to any of the 11 routes and enjoy your day off right now!!

  1. Cambotra

If you are searching for the on time arrival, Cambotra must be your first choice. Plus the good service and most of their vehicles are new and comfortable. You can enjoy the cool air inside and they provide a bottle of water each time you travel. More importantly it also has a night time bus for those who are busy during the day which is starting from 10pm to 12pm. Their most travel destinations are Battambang, Siemreap, Banteay Mean Chey, SihanoukVille and Kompot. The price of a morning ticket cost only 8$ and the night bus only 12$. It is most convenient for the busy worker who has to return to work on time.

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  1. Capitol Tour

The most well known for the elder generation Capitol Tour is one of the few oldest bus companies. It provides many types of buses during the day time including the VIP car or the big van. The big van is the most reasonable one for those who want to spend less during their travels. The ticket for each time costs only 6$ and it has a big space for your long leg and you can make a lot of new friends during your trip. Why always choose the small car when you can enjoy the wide space on the big van!

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  1. Virak Buntham

Launched in 2004, Virak Buntham express is one of a few companies that offer cross border journeys to Thailand and Vietnam. On top of this unique service, they provide exceptional service to many top destinations of Cambodia such as Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Battambangetc. Additionally, they provide a variety of buses such as big van, mid size van and the VIP Toyota Hiace which are all equipped with comfortable and safety features that can assure the quality for every customer. Last but not least, the night bus is another popular schedule that can accommodate people who want to travel from work to another city or province and return back at the same time.

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  1. Giant Ibis bus Cambodia

It Is popular among foreigners who visit Cambodia. This is the company which gets the best safety record according to the Ministry of public work and Transportation, so you will have a piece of mind when riding one the bus company. Their main service is big vans which provide top quality service such as lap seat belts for each seat, bigger legroom compared to other buses, complimentary snacks on the trips, air conditioning and electrical outlets that can keep providing comfortability and conveniences to passengers. They also provide cross-border journeys to Thailand and Vietnam. The ticket starts from 15$ which is a bit high compared to competitors, but it is worth every penny that you are paying for.

Credit :

Here are some more articles that might interest you

My Favourite Ride-Hailing Services in Cambodia– Kirirom Institute of Technology Students’ Blog (

Best Online Travel Agency for Travelers-Kirirom Institute of Technology Students’ Blog(

Larryta Express

Sorya Bus


This appreciation is for those who help recommend new ideas for improving the content of the article.

Author Profile

I’m LeapHeng. Currently I am a second-year student majoring in software engineering at Kirirom Institute of Technology. I like to watch movie and play sport in my free time.

How to Maintain a Healthy Bond and Lifestyle Around Pet

A healthy lifestyle and well-being are very important for both pet’s parents and their beloved pets. Studies have shown that helping pets have a quality life is a part of being a loving, caring pet owner while pets help link the owners to several health benefits if they know how to maintain their bond and life balance. Having a pet might sound fun, however, the responsibilities for a good adoption is very challenging. There are some tips to help the owner and family stay healthy while adoring pets. 

  1. Pick the Right Pet

Before adopting a new pet, make sure that it is the right one for you and your family. Every animal and their needs are different. Therefore, doing some research beforehand about the specific needs of the animal is a must. Ask yourself some questions before making a decision:

  • How long will this animal live?
  • What does the pet eat?
  • How much exercise does the pet need?
  • How large will it become?
  • Can you afford it?
  • Who will take care of it on a daily basis? 
  • Does its personality fit your lifestyle?
  • How will you deal with behavior issues? 
  • What kind of grooming does it require?
  1. Stay Healthy Around Pet

Providing a good routine, life long care is essential for the well-being of your family and pet. 

Diseases spread between animals and people, which are known as Zoonotic disease, are more likely to infect children under the age of five, persons with weakened immune systems, and people who are 65 years old and older. Certain animal-related diseases are also more common among pregnant women. Washing your hands is essential to help lower the chance of contracting an illness from the germs that pets can carry, whether you are playing with, feeding, or cleaning up after your pet. 

The pet’s immune system deteriorates with age. Up-to-date vaccinations are advised, and a monthly medical examination by the veterinarian can help prevent illness. Feeding your pets the right amount and type of food helps them maintain a healthy weight and  meet their nutritional needs. Staying active is also crucial to stay healthy. You can keep your dog or cat entertained and interested by giving them toys to play with, hiding treats, setting up obstacle courses, and teaching them new tricks. In order to introduce your pet to different sights and smells, you can also switch up your regular schedule. Remember to remove your pets from fashion such as removing your dog’s and cat’s collar at night  so they can enjoy their freedom. Additionally, many animals find the noise of jingling tags annoying. To lessen it, tape the tags together or store them in a bag made for the purpose.

  1. Bond and Affection

Establishing a strong bond with your pets is beneficial for both of you. The best ways to show your pets some affection include cuddling, patting, belly rubs, and even stroking their fur. This not only helps you feel closer to your pet emotionally, but it also encourages your pet to interact well with both people and other animals. Changes from the norm might be alarming and suggest a deeper problem. If you notice abnormal behavior in your dog or cat, give your vet a visit to see if an exam is necessary. You should also get to know your pet’s unique way of speaking to you both audibly and with body language.

You will be able to keep your furry buddy satisfied, healthy, and by your side for many years if you combine this advice with the others mentioned above.

[Rewriting] Recommended self-learning websites for programmer especially newbie

Hello everyone! My name is Huot Monirith and I am a second year student at Kirirom Institute of technology. When I first started in Software Engineering, I was asked “Where can I learn programming languages?”. So as of now I can share with you my experience of how I learn programming language


When we ask others about their self learning about programming languages, the first website everyone would tell you is W3School. This is one of the most popular websites for all developers, especially web developers. Many programming languages are contained in there as such Python, R, C, C#, C++, Kotlin, Javascript, even some advanced topics like frameworks for front-End, back-end, Machine learning, Data science, git etc. W3school provides us code and a playground for each particular topic to test, especially you are able to make a change and a try in their playgrounds as well. This is significant for developers, mainly for someone who starts learning programming.

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Geeksforgeeks is also in my top two lists as their variety of contents mostly on Python, C++, Java with their clear understanding as well as their code which help us to get more ideas about the concept.Beside programming language, there are also data structures and algorithms, interview preparation and some project bases are included. In each content, code is given so that you can copy and paste in your code editor to see real life results. Aside from this, they also hand in excellent explanations for each function or each method and comment on each particular line for you to get a better understanding on each topic.

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FreeCodeCamp is a website which lets us learn everything without paying anything.By the time you finish the course, you can claim a certificate from their website that you can make use of in multiple ways such as in your LinkedIn or your CV. FreeCodeCamp

allows us to experience web applications both static and dynamic which cover some frameworks such as React, Bootstrap, SASS and Jquery. Not just frontEnd,backend with Node and Express and database are provided as well. In addition, this website contains  data science, data analysis as well.

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Udemy is a variety of websites for learning multitudinous categories such as programming, music instruction, marketing, finance, Photography, business and others. While there are some free varieties of courses, there are still some courses that require us to pay for better experiences plus certificates. You can make a visit to their courses in order to find the most suitable courses and consider pros and cons to consume that course if it is really worth it to purchase. There’s a tip for you to get a huge discount rather than buy at the highest price, you can wait for the right time when there’s a discount which only costs around 9.99$-15$ per course which saves you tons of money. The advantage of buying a course is you can learn at your own pace and on top of that you are given a certificate to impress on your CV since some courses in Udemy are valuable for job seekers.

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Documentation of the particular topic

This is essential for developers to reach a particular document to read through for learning purposes. Because their official website is up to date with the description, example code and they sometimes include how to install or the usage . Additionally, they also provide some methods, or keywords so that developers can easily make use of it and be able to use it immediately in their code.