5 Reasons Why Should You Own a Pet

Nowadays, people assume that owning a pet means accepting a new family member or friend. Whether it is a dog, cat, bird, or rabbit, they have become one of the essential members that most people cannot live without in a family. Moreover, it is not only about accepting a new family member or friend, but it is way more about welcoming or adopting a new positive habit into our life.

Credit: Image Figure URL

Having a pet is likely to bring various significant benefits to your life.

  1. It helps improve your mood.

When you own a pet, every day will become a better day. Getting stressed from your workplace, school, assignments, or exam, spending time with a pet would help increase the level of oxytocin and you would feel better. Sometimes you might even forget to do other work just because of the excitement you feel when you are with them.

2. It helps build your social life.

No matter how busy you are, you will try sparing time to take your pet outside for a walk. So, you will get a chance of making friends with a stranger who shares the same interests as a pet lover or a pet parent and also be asked by your neighbor about your pets.

3. You will feel safe and less alone.

Pets are not just only animals but family members, best friends, and who you can share your story with. Somedays you might need someone to listen to your problems and share your thoughts with, but you are afraid of being ignored and interrupting others. In that case, pets play an important role to be your listener, even though they cannot give you advice, you will feel better after expressing your true feeling and have no worries about your secrets being spread to others. Staying alone at home or walking to a dark unknown place will not be any big issue anymore when you have a pet with you. You will get a feeling of having someone staying by your side and gives you more confidence to fight those fear.

4. It makes you become fit.

Walking and running as you are playing with your pet, does not only help increase your bonding with your pet but also helps you do the exercise. It can be a win-win strategy that you can both play with your pet and do the exercise for your healthy body at the same time.

5. It helps you to build your responsibility.

Raising a pet needs a lot of commitments and high responsibilities. Every day you will need to give them food, grooming, and spend time playing with them. Without all of these, you will fail to become a good pet parent.

Owning a pet provides you many advantages especially improving both physical and mental health. Today, we can see there are more and more people started to understand the value of raising a pet. They do not assume it as a burden but as a family member. Losing them is similar to losing a family member and that is why there is a quote that says “Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless he’s owned a pet”.

Best Online Travel Agency for Travelers

Are you a traveler that looks for a place to stay, book flights, or activities for your travel? You will have to check out the Online Travel Agency (OTA) that will help to solve all of your problems and concerns. OTA is a marketplace for hotels, cars, flights, tours, cruises, and activities for customers to research and book those travel products and services. OTAs provide market insights and tools that target travelers, secure the information and the bookings, process bookings efficiently, communicate with guests, and manage reviews from other customers. Each day, there are millions of travelers around the world use OTAs to plan for their leisure and business travels.

Credit: https://gogetfunding.com/start-my-own-online-travel-business/

There are several OTAs that I would like to recommend and share with you. 

1. Booking.com

Booking.com’s mission is that it is easy for every user in the world to access. Booking.com was founded in 1996 in Amsterdam, it has grown from a Dutch start-up to one of the world’s top leading digital travel agency companies. There are 43 languages available and over 28 million accommodations, which has over 6.2 million homes, apartments, and many more. It has 24/7 service to help its travelers and customers. There are countless options and discounts you can choose from using just this one application that makes your travel experience way more efficient.

2. Agoda.com 

Agoda.com is an online travel agency and metasearch engine for hotels, flights, vacation rentals, and more. It was founded in 2003 and later acquired by Booking Holding and became a subsidiary of the company. It has a lot of best deals for customers with the best price because it added money-saving features like AgodaCash, AgodaVIP, and Promo Codes. 

3. Airbnb

Airbnb started in 2008 when two designers who had space to share hosted three travelers looking for a place to stay. Currently, millions of hosts and travelers created a free Airbnb account so they can list their space and book the best accommodation all around the world. This OTA is beneficial for both travelers and locals and is user-friendly. Airbnb helps make sharing easy, enjoyable, affordable, and safe.

4. Trip.com

Trip.com you can book and find affordable travel for tour packages, hotels, transportation, and flights. You can insert in your trip, date, and how many people, and book the flight without going to the airport or the station. It is efficient, you can choose the option that works best for you. Everything is there for you in one place for your travel plans. 

OTAs make money only when the service or the products are booked. They will only take a percentage of the total value of each secure reservation. Every OTA helps with revenue management, pricing decisions, and promotion of your service and products. They are beneficial for both the business and the consumers that everyone can trust and easily use. 

With the exponential growth of advanced technology in this world, OTAs are increasingly popular. OTAs can play an essential part in your distribution strategy and savings. 

Why does personal privacy matter on the internet? 

In the 21st century, the internet plays a big role in everyday live. Among all, social media has become a popular place to connect people and spread information worldwide. On top of that,  many people underestimate the importance of online privacy. We have no idea about what social media does with the information we share as well as our online traces; like browsing history, purchase, and so on. The chance is that cyber security crimes put people at risk in various ways when our personal information is exposed on the internet.

Digital privacy becomes clear whenever we allow our personal data to be shared with complete strangers. The possibility of hackers could reach our medical records, bank statements or even certain items from our shopping cart once they get hold of our personal information; like  home address, friends’ names, tastes, or favorite places based on what we publicly shared. For instance, search engines log not only things we have been looking for. They also track websites that we visit after that. If a search engine provider doubles as a browser, they keep all our browsing history, too. In addition,  major social networks have suffered data breaches, leaving millions of users exposed. A recent example is Facebook’s massive data breach that exposed the personal data of 533 million users, including their full names, phone numbers, locations, birth dates, bios, and email addresses. Besides, cookies are harmless and even helpful. These pieces of code collect your browsing information and let websites remember your login, preferences, language settings, and other details. However, cookies might become a concern when it comes to vast amounts of data collected without user consent. In the same way, many apps request location details, usernames, phone numbers, or email addresses. Yet, some go further and ask you for risky permissions — information that could cause trouble if it fell into the wrong hands. It could be access to your phone’s microphone/recorder, camera, contacts, or even messages. Also, online identity theft happens when someone accesses your personally identifiable information (PII) to commit fraud. This information might be your driver’s license, bank account details, tax numbers, or anything else that can be used to impersonate you online. In the worst-case scenario, your information might end up for sale on the dark web. 

There are many ways hackers could collect our information which may lead to public cybersecurity concern. It is therefore important that we should be conscious of what data should be shared. 

Software application that you will ever need

Everything changes, the only thing that doesn’t change is the idea of change itself, a quote from Heraclitus. This quote indicates that changes are happening everywhere and all the time. The world is changing and technology is a significant contribution to it. Technologies are taking over the world rapidly with new inventions and software programs to make human lives easier. What are software programs? According to Technopedia, “A software program is commonly defined as a set of instructions, or a set of modules or procedures, that allow for a certain type of computer operation. The term is also often used interchangeably with terms like “software application” and “software product.” People are developing software programs for different purposes all the time. Everyone uses software programs or applications. It is almost essential to the world that we are living in today. 

There are hundreds of software applications on the internet and I used nowhere close to all of them. They are very convenient in their way and one of which is Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is a software application that allows users to do graphic designing and photo editing that works for both Windows and macOS. According to American Graphics Institute, some elements and uses for Adobe Photoshop are: 

  • Manipulating the color of an image.
  • Cropping images.
  • Repairing flaws, such as dust on the lens or red eyes.
  • Drawing on an image with a pen or pencil.
  • Adding text to images.
  • Removing people or objects within an image.
  • Organizing photos for quick access.
  • Publishing images online or send via email.

Adobe Photoshop is very useful and convenient for those who want to work on graphic design and photos manipulation or photo editing. The application has a large number of users. Based on Adobe themself, “Over 90% of the world’s creative professionals use Adobe Photoshop.” The users are various from designers, web developers, graphic artists, photographers, and much more. It reaches such a large number of users because it allows them to deliver their product on a professional level. 

I am Rathanak Sovann, an architecture student from Kirirom Institute of Technology. I am using and still learning the program. I highly recommend the Adobe Photoshop application to everyone interested in the field. Adobe photoshop is affordable because, with a small amount of payment, we can use it along with other Adobe applications like Adobe Lightroom. It provides basic and advanced tools that you will ever need to do what you want like post it on your blogs or social media or for a specific project. We can use Adobe Photoshop to create digital arts, gif animation, graphic design work, or even create logos. However, with many cool functions and options to create a poster, pictures, or project, the application sometimes can be hard to pick up at first due to all the advanced features that it provides. It could take some time to learn and become familiar with it but once we master it, it can be easy and convenient for you to work. 

Link to Images: 

[Rewrite] Tackling Single-Use Plastics with Nature

Did you know that approximately, 10 million plastic bags are used in Phnom Penh every day? According to the Phnom Penh Post, this amount will only be increased as Cambodia’s capital city’s population continues to skyrocket immensely over the last decades. 

Single-use plastic especially plastic bags remains a critical issue that affects people’s health, the nation’s economy, and the environment. Due to its convenience and cheap cost, we tend to use it with less caution. Although we encounter its hazardous effect more than multiple times, we still use it. The city is flooded. The sewage system is clogged. We see plastic bags sticking on tree branches, flying in the air, and floating on water sources. They are everywhere.

We are aware and understand that this is a huge problem, yet, we still allow it to drag its adverse effect as time passes, leading to potential threats to future generations. Something has to be done and something needs to put an end to this solid waste issue. For several years now, Cleanbodia has found its way to resolving this issue, contributing to creating a more eco-friendly product while cutting down the amount of plastic bags produced and use.

Cleanbodia is a company that produces bio-degradable plastic bags from cassava, an abundant resource in Southeast Asia.

Images Source: https://www.cleanbodia.com/

After 6 years in operation, they have more than 200 partner companies where you can find and buy their environmentally friendly and biodegradable products. Those partners include non-governmental organizations, international schools, governmental bodies, high-end restaurants, and more.

In comparison to regular plastic bags, Cleanbodia’s biodegradable bags are softer and has no chemical smell while still able to compromise the same strength and durability. In addition, it can also hold hot liquid and food. What is even more surprising about it is that, instead of taking hundreds and if not, thousands of years to degrade, the cassava starch-made plastic bags will decompose within 5 years. How incredible is that?

In the present day, Cleanbodia offers four different types of products. However, you can also request customized bags as well. The first type is the biodegradable carrier bag. It is most suitable for market shopping, restaurant takeaway, and small waste bin. With its 50 x 30 x 20 dimensions (in centimeters), it has a total volume of 12 liters and can hold approximately 4 kilograms of hot liquid. It is on the market for $6 per 200 bags. The second type is the medium biodegradable garbage bags. It is perfect for hotel housekeeping, store waste bins, and personal use. It can hold approximately 12 kilograms with a total volume of 38 liters. It costs $7 for 50 bags. Next is the large biodegradable garbage bags. It is the largest of its kind and is great for big waste bins in restaurants and bars. It comes with an 80 x 50 x 15 size (in centimeters) which can hold over 15 kilograms with a total volume of 100 liters. It costs 6 dollars for 25 bags. Lastly, it is the custom biodegradable or compostable bags. This can be customized based on customer needs.  

Images Source: https://www.facebook.com/cleanbodia

Cleanbodia has paved a way for our society to begin living a better, healthier, and more eco-friendly lifestyle. If we are not able to contribute much to helping the environment, we should start with using biodegradable products. Keep in mind that changes begin with each and every one of us so, what are you waiting for?

Other interesting articles related to biodegradable products:


This appreciation is for those who help recommend new ideas for improving the content of the article.

Author Profile

I am a software engineering sophomore at the Kirirom Institute of Technology who is passionate about cutting-edge and 21st-century innovations, especially in IoT technology, cyber security, and web development.

My favorite sport and Club.

        Hello everyone, my name is Long Chheang. I am a student in tourism management at Kirirom Institute of Technology. Today I really appreciate sharing my favorite sport and the team that I support.  Before getting to know my favorite sport I would like to share my habits first. Being a student who lives on the top of Kirirom mountain I usually get up at 7 or 7 and a half in the morning. The first thing that I always do is take a shower, brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then I prepare my bag, study material, and wake my friends up. After that my friends and I go to Moringa (the place for having meals) to have breakfast. When we finish our breakfast, we sometimes go to campus in order to study until twelve thirty. At that time we go back to Moringa to have lunch till one o’clock then we come to our room or to the students’ office to do the internship till five thirty. After we complete our tasks we often go to play some sports. There are three types of sports that are really popular here including football, volleyball and basketball.I can play all the sports, but for basketball and volleyball I have just started to play for three months. About football I played it since I studied in grade seven which I was twelve or thirteen years old. All these types of sports I could say I love playing football the most. 

Why do I love playing football?

As I have mentioned before, I really love playing football because the main reason is to relax and make new friends. There are many reasons to prove that football is good to play for me as well beside the reasons above. To know more about the reason behind why I started playing football I provide the information that I started to know first. When I was in grade five there was a group of students who came from Singapore that went to my school in order to rebuild it. Beside building my school, they also lead the students to play some sports such as badminton, basketball, volleyball, and football. That time I have realized that I like playing football the most that is why when they asked me which type of sport to choose. I told them immediately that I really want to play football. After that time I always make the chance to make a group of football in order to play and it reminds me all the time that playing football makes me fun and healthy. Actually football is not always fun, I sometimes get hitted by my opponent as well. However I never have any conflicts while I play it. I usually benefit from football. These the reasons that I love to play football and I never play football as well.

The club that I support!

The club that I support is Real Madrid. I love this football club so much because this club is created for 120 years old. There are many legend who play for this club and this club win more than a hundred tropical champions.  Now this club has called as the King of Uefa Champion League since it win 13 times of this season. Especially I have a model player that play for Real Madrid as well. His name is Cristiano Ronaldo who is a great player of all time. He played for this club since 2009 and he win 4 Uefa Champion League there and many personal tropical. This is a good view of Real Madrid in my opinion.

METAVERS Project for the future.

In the world of digitization, virtual reality is a concept creating major buzz. Different parts of the online world are uplifted with the development of an immersive virtual reality platform. One of the prominent parts of the online world impacted by virtual reality is gaming. Virtual reality changes gaming into a 3D platform with VR software and special effects for the gamers to play in a real-world environment.

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VR software powers gaming platforms by creating an illusion for a realistic experience using 3D images, VR headsets, full display screens, rooms with sensory features of scents and tactile sensations. The advent of Metaverse in gaming, powered by disruptive VR technology, has given a whole new realistic gaming experience. Metaverse has transformed the gaming industry and helped it gain major traction because of a highly immersive virtual experience in gaming. Since the pandemic situation, the scope of metaverse has increased for a real-time virtual experience in work, education, trading and gaming. It is changing the cyberspace of gaming into an interactive 3D platform by incorporating focus and sensus. 

Metaverse is defined as the network of three-dimensional platforms based on virtual reality (VR). This virtual reality of Metaverse focuses mainly on social connections. In the Futurism movement and the genre of Science Fiction, Metaverse is explained as a new version of the Internet based on the virtual world, created using augmented reality (AR) for an interactive experience of the users.


Metaverse has the potential to address all the existing challenges of remote work. It provides managers with a virtual environment where they can meet employees , communicate with them, read their body language, and retain in-person interaction. Moreover, the employer can resolve problems like time theft and goldbrick at the workplace by keeping track of the team inside a virtual office.Today, most Metaverse games are decentralized with an integrated economic model to support play-to-earn gaming. Such games allow users to buy, sell, and trade in-game assets in the form of NFTs. Additionally, the idea of avatars exploring the vast virtual space is enticing for players.Many people show interest in the Metaverse. Some are development enthusiasts looking to use the ecosystem to build their business-specific projects, and others are looking for opportunities to generate income. Fortunately, the Metaverse holds the potential to meet the demands of both groups. Due to the open-source nature of the Metaverse, anyone can build a relevant project on top of the ecosystem. Likewise, people can join the ecosystem as common users and create and trade NFTs to earn money.


In conclusion, Metaverse has the potential to revolutionize the way individuals connect with technology and people for various purposes like professional jobs, gaming, trading, regulating legal processes, game streaming, video conferencing, etc. Using Metaverse, gamers compete in an immersive environment. They earn by 3D game streaming, minting and trading the gaming NFTs. Metaverse has the ability to strengthen connections and relationships, reintroducing some of the human factors into those two-dimensional virtual interactions for people to work remotely and for the firms investing in remote options for their employees. It’s a step forward, and it might surface even before you realize its power to uplift virtual reality.

6 Things You Should Know Once You Became a KITian

Hello to everybody! My name is Mao Timong, and I’m a sophomore at Kirirom Institute of Technology specializing in software engineering. I am a very positive and open minded person. I adore living, studying and sharing positive thoughts with others. I have been residing in Kirirom Mountain for over six months now. In this atmosphere, I have learned a lot from others’ experiences. Therefore, if someone is keen on coming to Kirirom and in particular interested in becoming a future member of KIT, You must be aware of how life is going on in the place. Without further ado, let me tell you what you should do once you become a KITian.

URL: https://english.cambodiadaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/KIT_SEA_Globe_1V7A8077.jpg
  1. Studyhard

KIT’s lecturers are extremely helpful when it comes to teaching students. They are really encouraging and do their best to explain the lessons to you, whether in class or outside of lecture hour. However, as students, we must work hard in order to achieve since academic performance is dependent on motivation, time management, and study habits. It simply requires some dedication and hard work. This implies that you should not only listen, practice, and write in class, but also undertake homework, self-study, and additional research.

  1. Skillset

I want to let you know that one academic program will cover a wide range of subjects. You need to develop your own unique skill that you may work on to master if you want a prosperous future.

  1. Internship

Talking of internships, KIT takes pride in giving students free internship opportunities. You earn experience in the job field you wish to pursue by participating in an internship. Students will have several opportunities to apply for internships because KIT has numerous domestic & global partnerships.

  1. Join Competition

Students have the chance to participate in outside competitions that are offered both online and offline while they are in school and doing an internship. This is a wonderful chance for us KITians to demonstrate what we have learnt from the lecturers, our own research, and our internship.

  1. Walking

Since I walk every day while I live and study in Kirirom, I find myself to be healthier and more active. You might be wondering how I can enjoy walking and jogging without getting exhausted. My response is that this place has a really natural and fresh surroundings. Another significant point is that walking is the best action to do in the rainy season since I can smell the forest’s fresh air, trees, and other greenery. If you like a calming place and have peace of mind, you must discover it.

  1. Activity

To reduce stress from studying and working. There are many activities to celebrate with our classmates, seniors and lecturers. We all engage smoothly and get along well with each other. In our leisure time, we like to get together and play a game to develop our social skills. We learned that these kinds of activities taught us the value of teamwork, brotherhood, sisterhood that we will remember for the rest of our lives. 

These six points are based on my insights and ongoing experiences while living, studying, and working here. If you have any questions regarding the school that you would like to clarify before coming to KIT, please contact me through email: maotimong20@kit.edu.kh 

Home workouts that you should do

Ever since the pandemic started, everyone has been isolated from the world and confined to homes to reduce the spread of COVID-19. During this harsh time, all of us have reverted to living unhealthy lifestyles because we’re bored and stressed. All gyms were closed down due to government regulations and policies. Since not everyone has a gym inside their homes, most of us do not have access to the proper equipment for a good workout. There are workouts that will give you the same results which will save more time and money because you don’t need to have access to the gym. The workouts that I would recommend you to do at home daily are push-ups, pull-ups, squats, sit-ups and planking.

Push up: a very basic exercise that doesn’t require any equipment whatsoever. This is an effective way to build muscles since it targets all the upper body muscles such as the arms, chest and shoulders. There are also varieties of push ups that you can do to challenge yourself or target specific muscle groups that you want to build. The best thing about this exercise is that everyone knows it, because it was taught in your P.E classes back in school. In order for you to do this exercise, you have to build up a lot of strength in your arms and chest to be proficient.

Photo credit: https://i.gifer.com/T8TA.gif

Pull up: one of the basic exercises that you were taught back in school. All you need for this exercise to work is a pull up bar which you can access inside parks. This exercise builds up your arms, shoulders and back muscles. Its benefits are to build good posture and even height, and the equipment is very accessible since you can build one yourself or buy it for no more than 20$.

Photo credit: https://c.tenor.com/T46Cn-EoulEAAAAC/pull-up-workout.gif

Squats: an exercise that aims to build your leg muscles. All bodybuilders and athletes like to have a balanced schedule when working out. So they divide time equally to train their upper body and lower body. Lower body training is important because it supports your whole body weight, so training your lower body would be beneficial as you become older and older.

Photo credit: https://static.toiimg.com/photo/62553896.cms

Sit up: an exercise that aims to build your abdominal muscles. You might have heard the term “six pack” more than once in your life. This exercise is one of the best ways for you to burn belly fat since it’s very beginner friendly unlike push ups and pull ups which requires you to start building strength in your arms and chest.

Photo credit: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e4/d6/35/e4d635df70620904880a0138e8c53f89.gif

Planking: one of the most grueling exercises to exist. It is a very difficult exercise because it requires a lot of patience and perseverance. A 1 minute plank could feel like an hour because you can’t do anything but hold your position the whole time. For this exercise, just being able to do at least 1 minute a day everyday will make you see progress in just a few weeks.

Photo credit: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0e/69/ad/0e69ad0c6eb67626e9a636f31e21d90b.gif

In summary, any of these exercises that were mentioned above will help you save your resources since it doesn’t need a gym. All you have to do is to keep doing at least 10 repetitions of each of these exercises everyday to stay healthy in the long run. I recommend you all to start doing these exercises before deciding to hit the gym.

Two markets I would recommend in Cambodia

I have been in Cambodia for almost 8 years now and I still cannot speak Khmer. There are two stores that I would like to recommend to such Japanese, foreigners, and of course Khmer people. The first one is Aeon Mall and the other one is Makro.

Credit: AEON Mall Phnom Penh https://www.aeonmallphnompenh.com/

Aeon Mall is a very familiar store in Japan. It has 345 stores all over Japan, and you can find it wherever you go. In addition to Cambodia, there are overseas stores of such AEON Mall in China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. When I first came to Cambodia, I was delighted to hear that there was an AEON Mall and that I could buy Japanese products and snacks. However, it was a little more expensive than buying them in Japan. (Because of the transportation costs.) The reason I most recommend AEON Mall is that you can find basically everything you need at AEON Mall. There are various stores, so you can find clothes, stationery, outlet goods, food, vegetables, snacks, dishes, furniture, daily necessities, and everything you can think of there. However, the stores inside are rapidly changing, so it is often the case that the store you were planning to visit is no longer there after a long time. Just buying what you need and going home, you will be interested in so many things that you will find yourself spending more than an hour in the store. In addition, there are several MaxValue stores in Phnom Penh, a smaller version of the Aeon Mall, where you can buy food and vegetables. This eliminates the need for Japanese people, especially those who do not understand Khmer, to buy foodstuffs at local markets. On holidays, the market is very crowded at lunch time and the parking lots are full. I have heard that some of those Khmers come here to cool off. Whatever the case may be, Aeon Mall is very popular even in foreign countries because of its convenience.

Credit: Makro Supermarket https://www.makrocambodia.com/

Makro was originally a large wholesale supermarket that originated in the Netherlands, but it has also expanded to Thailand and Cambodia, with over 70 stores in Thailand. Makro is a supermarket for business use and is very convenient for those who intend to buy a lot at once. For example, people who want to buy vegetables and meat by the kilogram. I also highly recommend it for those who want to buy 12 bags of snacks, or boxes of juice or alcohol. This is because you can buy them a little cheaper than buying them one at a time. Sometimes they offer discounts and some items are cheaper than the Aeon Mall. Unlike the Aeon Mall, this one does not sell clothes, but it has a wide variety of foodstuffs and daily necessities. It is not as well known as the Aeon Mall, but once you know how good the selection is, you will want to visit again and again.

Both Aeon Mall and Makro have their own merits. Neither one is better than the other in every way. There are differences and advantages that you will notice when you actually go there. So, I would recommend you to actually visit both of them.