Understanding of Growth Hacking and Moodle

Understanding of Growth Hacking Course

It is essential for businesses to advertise and promote their products and services. Although some might find it easy to channel with their customers, there are still several who struggle to reach their targets and this is the reason why we need to be growth hackers. According to the Optimizely website, growth hacking is a cost-effective digital advertising approach that is used to increase the users base. In this Online Growth Hack Bootcamp course, we will be learning many aspects of growth hacking from understanding the competitor and creating a business model canvas for the business to building an actual website and analyzing the users’ data collected from the website. In addition, we will cover areas of content creation to effectively attract more users. I think it is valuable to learn these contents because they will be so useful in the future. I think it will be a little challenging since I am new to Growth Hacking however, from the understandable flow of content available on moodle, I am sure that I will be just fine.

Understanding of Moodle 

This is my first time using Moodle and it has been going well. The first thing I like most about it is the freedom for us to self-learn. Within the structure, I can rewatch recorded videos of the sessions and revisit the presentations for any revision. Moreover, an important feature of it is the weekly report. This is a way for us to go over what we have learned throughout the week and summarize that by answering questions. Additionally, there are case studies and chapter-end exams which are ways for us to evaluate our understanding of the particular chapter. Moodle allows us to go at our own pace and not only that we can use it to self-study but we can also share useful information and pose questions for discussion that will widen our knowledge of the topic.   

by Yun Somphors

Weekly Report

1. Description of the contents of this course and your opinions on it


         In today’s world, there are a lot of companies out there trying out so many strategies in order to grow their business, specifically, their income. Some of which do not seem to have turned out fine, however, there are some that work super well. Many people fail to understand the tactics they use in their business thus leading to failure, which is why the term “Growth Hacking” exists. What is it?

         Growth hacking is a strategy that is used by so many companies to boost their business. Growth hacking (also known as “growth marketing”) is the use of low-cost digital marketing tactics to increase and maintain an active user base, sell items, and raise awareness. It has become terminology for new brands that want to develop into monster corporations in less time than most people think. According to inc.com, many of the biggest companies they interact with on a daily basis achieved their stratospheric success through growth hacking. Dropbox, Airbnb, etc, all are able to achieve their success by implementing growth hacking strategies in their business. 

          My opinion on growth hacking is, I think growth hacking is an essential component for every business to acquire the success they aim for. Many new firms may achieve the levels they desire by embracing the tactics and focusing solely on development, all without the need for large infrastructure or resources. To get the best result, we just need to put all the pieces together.

Sources and Materials:


Image’s URL:https://optinmonster.com/growth-hacking-strategies/

2. How to use Moodle and its benefits

          Moodle is a free learning management system that provides a platform for e-learning. It greatly assists various educators in designing the various courses, course structures, and content, hence enabling interaction with online students.These are the steps that are briefly described in order to use Moodle:

  1. learn about the Moodle experience
  2. install Moodle
  3. configure your site
  4. create the framework for your learning site
  5. make decisions about common settings
  6. add basic course material
  7. make your courses interactive
  8. evaluate your students
  9. make your course social
  10. add collaborative activities
  11. manage and extend your courses

Allows users to access it anytime
Communicating and collaborating with each other
Self-improvement by testing our abilities and getting the result immediately
Users can challenge themself by getting all the badges available in Moodle
Users can share the materials
Learning analytics tools
A feedback system
A monitoring system that records our progress

Sources and Materials:

First Image’s URL: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmoodle.com%2Fnews%2Fenhance-online-learning-with-moodle-3-9%2F&psig=AOvVaw3aLrMUWk6m_cweJTG4g-I5&ust=1648580579134000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCJj6yLG_6fYCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ
Second Image’s URL: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.elearningworld.org%2Fmoodle-3-6-new-feature-improved-course-overview%2F&psig=AOvVaw2x16KLP171v-kpGq7eXe8s&ust=1648580618195000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCJi4pcS_6fYCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ

by Srun China

My Personal Opinion on Web Analytics And Moodle

Image. LAUNCH MARKETING. March 26, 2022. https://www.launch-marketing.com/improve-use-of-web-analytics
Image. LAUNCH MARKETING. March 26, 2022. https://www.launch-marketing.com/improve-use-of-web-analytics

 In this age of the internet, websites are some of the most popular internet media nowadays. This led to web analytics being one of the most valuable skills for businesses that want to take advantage of the internet. With the advance of social media, websites have seen a decline in popularity in recent years. However, web analytics is still relevant since it also expands its coverage over social media. Some of the contents of this web analytic course include UX and CX analysis, data collection, website building, marketing analysis, social media utilization, and more. Personally, I believe web analytics is a great skill to have, nevertheless, it won’t be easy. Since the course has just started, my perception might be biased. So, I will have to go along with the course and see for myself.

Credit: Kim Sereyvath

Moodle has been used to assist this web analytic course. The platform is not complicated to use. Users can just go to WACA moodle page then click on login. Once on the login page, users have to fill in the credential and click log in. Once logged in, users can click on the course that they are taking. After clicking on a course, users can do numerous things like joining a zoom meeting, recording attendance, posting questions, taking a quiz, accessing reading material, and submitting reports.

Wong Fu Productions. Image. VHV.RS. March 26, 2022. https://www.vhv.rs/viewpic/ibbTxJR_teacher-speaking-to-students-vector-hd-png-download/

There are several benefits to using moodle. One of them is providing a platform for students to learn at their own pace. Another benefit is providing a common place for lecturers and students to communicate with each other. The last one is providing convenience for lecturers to collect submitted assignments and for students to submit the assignments.

by Kim Sereyvath